What made me sad today...

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He's been enrolled in nursing school, so, it could be. As to how far in debt? Dunno. Problem is we're mean and his auntie is indulgent. She has taken him on as her project.
He did at least drop in briefly over the holidays to akwardly say hi.

I preface by saying education costs are needlessly too high in our country (and kindly leave it at that for political reasons). However, being in the situation we are in the military will sometimes take on the college debt, or at the very least pay for it going forward.

I used the GI Bill to get three degrees. No debt.
She knows exactly who was driving. Dude has no license for a reason. Didn't want to go back to jail.
Yes! Either he lost his license or is one of those "Sovereign Citizens" who say the US Constitution does not require licenses, car tags or insurance, or - most likely - there is already a warrant out for him on an unassociated case.
Yes! Either he lost his license or is one of those "Sovereign Citizens" who say the US Constitution does not require licenses, car tags or insurance, or - most likely - there is already a warrant out for him on an unassociated case.

I used to know one of those "Sovereign Citizens." Was hilarious to hear him talk. Have not heard from him in about 10 years. I suspect he's sitting in his bunker in Montana or something.
Good job!
My oldest wrangled an appointment to the Naval Academy, so he's set. Soon to make captain in the USMC.
The next one enlisted straight out of high school, so he's got the GI Bill.
I don't see my third following in their footsteps.
Or the fourth, for other reasons.
My two daughters have no interest.
Yes! Either he lost his license or is one of those "Sovereign Citizens" who say the US Constitution does not require licenses, car tags or insurance, or - most likely - there is already a warrant out for him on an unassociated case.
I used to know one of those "Sovereign Citizens." Was hilarious to hear him talk. Have not heard from him in about 10 years. I suspect he's sitting in his bunker in Montana or something.
The Sovereign citizens types should be treated as a public nuisance and just tasered on the spot as soon as they start their stereotypical rants. Or better yet, given the Judge Dredd treatment (whether they are in or out of their car):

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5325_KHII3s
The Sovereign citizens types should be treated as a public nuisance and just tasered on the spot as soon as they start their stereotypical rants.
In Florida they are cuffed and hauled off. I saw one Youtube video where they pulled over a guy with no license plate in Daytona Beach. He gave him his spiel and called a woman to come help him explain the situation but when she drove up in a similarly plateless vehicle the cops hauled in both of them.

But I saw a a Youtube video where they pulled over a black guy in Illinois and that cop bent over backwards to not haul in a guy with no driver's license, no insurance, and using a fake Florida license plate.

A Dr. friend of mine said he was pulled over in our county one day by a cop for doing 45 mph in a 40 mph zone. (Really!) The cop told him he would have to call someone to come get his car because they had found he had another car that was registered but not insured. The car is a 1972 Corvette which he did not drive but just had sitting at home - but that was enough to get them to tell him he could not drive any car, not just the one without insurance.
Our 21 year old has blocked us.
I hope that he will come to recognize that we are not the enemy he thinks we are.
Time will tell.
Been there several times. I swear they are communist. Lost contact right after 9/11. Back then I was old and no longer relevant, even obsolete. Really I was 41. I hope it goes better for you.
I been in insurance for decades. Each state is different. Is it a no fault state? Then insurance will only cover your damage. The major thread would be your brother caused the accident and his coverage should pay out. He was sick and chose to drive. It going to get messy due the the other driver was given permission to drive the vehicle. Did the owner know he had no license? The police report should document what happened and who the illegal driver was. I would suggest turning it over to your brother's auto insurance and let the adjuster sort it out. That is what they do. Good luck
He's been enrolled in nursing school, so, it could be. As to how far in debt? Dunno. Problem is we're mean and his auntie is indulgent. She has taken him on as her project.
He did at least drop in briefly over the holidays to akwardly say hi.
There are programs to pay for nursing schools.

Morons stick together. A two for one deal.
But I saw a a Youtube video where they pulled over a black guy in Illinois and that cop bent over backwards to not haul in a guy with no driver's license, no insurance, and using a fake Florida license plate.
I think Police generally try to keep things calm and give a lot of leeway...regardless of race etc. I have seen dozens of videos, mostly of caucasians where they give them heels of time/chances before finally doing what should have been done at the start.
My youngest son is really up against it at the moment, lost his job, losing his apartment, behind on his car and insurance payments and can't seem to buy a job. We were concerned for his mental state so I paid up his insurance and a couple of car payments, (who needs retirement funds am I right?) started boarding his cat but I can't house him at our place more than a night or two before the fuckers at the association bitch about guests "overstaying". Man am I lamenting not buying another house at the moment.

So right now he spends some of the day with his mom who works from home and then has dinner with us. Starting Thursday his apartment will be gone so looking into alternative housing for him. I can't tell you how much this kills me not being able to do better by him, we found out he's actually been battling depression for several months. It makes me sick to know I missed the signs but I think we caught it in time, he's still on my insurance so at least I can get him some psychological help if nothing else.

Eh, sorry for the tirade guys, must be lack of sleep, his situation is keeping me up nights.

On the behalf of this forum, I wish your youngest boy a quick change in fortunes....fingers crossed for a new job, house and that he much feels better soon!
On the behalf of this forum, I wish your youngest boy a quick change in fortunes....fingers crossed for a new job, house and that he much feels better soon!
Thank you, I can't tell you how much I appreciate the thoughts.

As an update, literally as he left his apartment (for the last time) he got a call from the social services he was talking to earlier and they got him a voucher for a nearby motel for the next 7 days. That was a load off I can tell you, so at least he's safe for now, we'll get him sorted I'm sure, he's smart as a whip, I don't know why he's having such a rough time BUT. He's got no addictions (drugs, alcohol, porn etc.) so I told him there's a heavy ball and chain you don't have to surmount.

Again, thank you all.
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