What made me sad today... (1 Viewer)

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Just lost a long time friend and Mentor, he was about 12 years older than me, and took me under his wing when I was the smartest human being ever born (age 16 years). Showed me how to drag race, build engines, and port heads. I could not believe how happy he was when I finally beat him in head to head in competition. I haven't been able to spend much time with him for the last 10 years or so. But Loran was great people, like a big brother. He will be missed. I have no idea why he took the time to show my young smart alec know it all self how to actually win and lose gracefully, and how to win more often than lose. :salute:
My deapest condolences, dear Jeff!

May his soul rests in eternal peace.

Thanks all for the Support and Kind words, his passing really hit me hard. Now I have to get back to work on building the engine that he ported heads for me a few years ago. (the last work he did for me) A little Aluminum Buick 215 V8 destined for my 1977 Astre Formula. The Picture's is from 2018 when I 1st brought it home. No engine or transmission. It is going to get a T-5 five speed manual behind the Buick 215, and already has a Dana 44 with 4.11 gears installed. It should have around 300hp to push its 2500lbs around. Should be fun. He always wanted to see it run on the track.


Thanks all for the Support and Kind words, his passing really hit me hard. Now I have to get back to work on building the engine that he ported heads for me a few years ago. (the last work he did for me) A little Aluminum Buick 215 V8 destined for my 1977 Astre Formula. The Picture's is from 2018 when I 1st brought it home. No engine or transmission. It is going to get a T-5 five speed manual behind the Buick 215, and already has a Dana 44 with 4.11 gears installed. It should have around 300hp to push its 2500lbs around. Should be fun. He always wanted to see it run on the track.

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Oh man, I am sooooo jealous, and with a 215 Buick mated to a T5? Boy shut up!!! Let me know if you ever want to sell it.
My poor brother!

Last week my brother's wife was sick with the stomach flu so he had to go pick up two children from school who are not theirs (see previous comments about non-parenting). He was not feeling well, either, and while he was driving he started throwing up so much that he lost control of the car and hit another vehicle. The man driving the car said the car was not his and that he did not have a driver's license. The other driver did give him a ride home since his Audi was undriveable. They agreed to meet with the police at the site of the accident the next day, but the owner of the car showed up rather than the driver involved in the wreck. She explained that she had given the driver permission to drive her car and had known the driver for many years but did not know his last name! The attending policeman was exasperated, to say the least.

So who gets a citation when a driver wrecks a car due to a medical condition and hits a vehicle driven by an unknown driver without a license? It would seem that no one does. And my brother's car is wrecked, and since his wife cannot drive his Jeep due to it being a challenging stick shift, he is still driving the kids that are not his to and from school.
My poor brother!

Last week my brother's wife was sick with the stomach flu so he had to go pick up two children from school who are not theirs (see previous comments about non-parenting). He was not feeling well, either, and while he was driving he started throwing up so much that he lost control of the car and hit another vehicle. The man driving the car said the car was not his and that he did not have a driver's license. The other driver did give him a ride home since his Audi was undriveable. They agreed to meet with the police at the site of the accident the next day, but the owner of the car showed up rather than the driver involved in the wreck. She explained that she had given the driver permission to drive her car and had known the driver for many years but did not know his last name! The attending policeman was exasperated, to say the least.

So who gets a citation when a driver wrecks a car due to a medical condition and hits a vehicle driven by an unknown driver without a license? It would seem that no one does. And my brother's car is wrecked, and since his wife cannot drive his Jeep due to it being a challenging stick shift, he is still driving the kids that are not his to and from school.
But everybody is healthy and uninjured?
Finding out that the condition that laid an aunt low that everyone thought was a stroke is actually Motor Neuron Disease. She's now in hospital, recovering (as far as that's possible) from all the effects of what was essentially a stroke. And this about three weeks after finding out my neighbour's also got MND. What are the odds?
But everybody is healthy and uninjured?
Yes. Although my brother said they started asking him about how much money he had. I guess they realized that if they told their insurance company they had loaned their car to a semi-unknown man who had no driver's license they might have trouble with their claim. They advanced the idea to claim that it was the owner's brother who was driving the car but he was not around and that obviously would not stick. My brother said he was happy to get home without getting knifed or something.
"Neuromuscular diseases (NMD) emerged as one of the main side effects of the COVID-19 vaccination."

They got the COVID shot, I assume?
You have heard of the guy who said that when he was 21 he thought his parents were the dumbest people in the world?

And when he got to around 30 he was stunned at how much they had learned in only 9 years. It's coming!
I think he's pissed we told him we would not co-sign his student loans.
Yes. Although my brother said they started asking him about how much money he had. I guess they realized that if they told their insurance company they had loaned their car to a semi-unknown man who had no driver's license they might have trouble with their claim. They advanced the idea to claim that it was the owner's brother who was driving the car but he was not around and that obviously would not stick. My brother said he was happy to get home without getting knifed or something.
She knows exactly who was driving. Dude has no license for a reason. Didn't want to go back to jail.

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