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Dec 6, 2008
Hey to you all, I feel like I just found a lost warbird in my backyard finding this sight,its beyond cool. I came here for some research,hope you don't mind.:newb:

Welcome to the forum, Liberando. Hmmmm... Wasn't that the name of
a B-24 Squadron ? The Liberandos ????

Edit: The Liberandos: The 376th Bomb Group (Heavy)

So, tell us why you picked that name ?????

I picked it because the "Lady Be Good " who was a Liberando got lost in the desert and in so doing they became immortal in a sense when they found them in 61. Just as My Uncle Bill West,a Naiviagtor on a B-24 did in 43 somewhere over Europe. I never knew the name of Uncle Bill's plane, but he is always going to be the 26 YO I see in that picture on the mantle with wide-eyed wonderment as people explain what he did. Somewhere in the Libyan desert there is still a missing crewman from The "Lady Be Good", maybe it was the navigator. I like to think that Uncle Bill would have done a better job with his charts though.
Where in California you live? I'm from Orange County.

Sac of Tomatoes... ahem!,I mean Sacramento:lol: The Fat man and Little boy landed at McClellen airforce base on their way to destiny(for refueling) I live in all that excitement

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