What's for dinner?

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Today I made 'farter's delight'

Cauliflower cheese with onions, garlic, strong cheddar, roast potatoes and a dash of Tabasco.

Very nice with proper pork sausages
Looking through Mr. Rook Sons' Kentish catalogue I am once again struck by how expensive food is in the UK and Nether Regions aka Europe.
But good looking sausages .....
Looking through Mr. Rook Sons' Kentish catalogue I am once again struck by how expensive food is in the UK and Nether Regions aka Europe.
But good looking sausages .....

To be fair, Rooks is top end and the meat is first class. For special occasions its worth the costs to me but, most people wouldn't bother / cannot justify the costs for a family and just get supermarket food.
Food, clothes, gas/electric, petrol/diesel, taxes, cars...you name it everything all costs plenty.... welcome to rip off Britain.
Food, clothes, gas/electric, petrol/diesel, taxes, cars...you name it everything all costs plenty.... welcome to rip off Britain.

Britain?????? Here they tax, tax! They cal it GST, Goods and SERVICES Tax. So if I have a plumber unclog a toilet, the labor is taxed! Telephone bills are taxed, GST is on Top of gas tax! There's a f'n reason why the Yanks gave the Britts the boot way back when! It's a colonial state of mind mate. Need more money, let's bloody well tax something, even if it's taxed already.
Pitt's income tax raised money to fight Napoleon and we have been taxed on everything from windows to corn.
If you ask any Brit whether the holy grails of the NHS,foreign aid, education, armed forces, Police and the concept of a just welfare system were worth paying for the answer would be a resounding 'yes'.
Hah! I grew up in the south and we fried our eggs in the hot bacon grease. I thought that was redneck enough, until I met a Canadian buddy who said, "...that's nothing. We then fried our toast in the bacon grease after the eggs were done."

I sure miss him.

[True story, except for the death implication part]
That's very Canadian .... though I fry eggs in butter in a separate frying pan, and serve the eggs on the "gyppo-toast" with bacon on the side and maybe tinned beans (Boston style for example).

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