What's for dinner?

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Tonight's dinner folks freshly baked by me and just out of the oven. Real Cornish Pasty (Tiddy-oggy) and the smell of the fresh baked pasty in the house takes me back to my younger days in South Devon.

NO, we won't be eating all of them, just one each the rest can go in the freezer.

The bug bu**er on the right at the back will be my lunch tomorrow.
In the oven Matt at 180C fan forced (200C conventional) for about 25-30 minutes or until you can smell the delicious aroma. Never heat up in the microwave unless you want stodgy food.
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Warning, you will either be jealous of or disgusted by what I had for dinner last night...

For dinner last night I had two White Castle Sliders with cheese, and two White Castle Chicken sliders with cheese. Burger sliders were just as nasty as I remember them to be, but I try them every now and then to see what the attaction is. The Chicken sliders were pretty good though.
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Harrison, you really should try harder to find some better food here than **** burgers...
Whereabouts are you in England at the moment?
Harrison, you really should try harder to find some better food here than **** burgers...
Whereabouts are you in England at the moment?

Me thinks Harrison was referring to the White Castle burgers. Or at least I hope he was referring to the White Castle's
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Watford is on the edge of civilisation...its as far north as any right minded southern Englishman would go...
You should try and find a good pub like the 'Escourt Arms',St johns rd, Watford.
The beers are manifold.
He's 16 for Godsake. Give him a few more years you wanker. Us Americans don't need any help adopting bad habits. Besides, I don't think B's policeman dad would appreciate him coming home with a drinking habit when the age in the states is 21.

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