What's on The Workbench

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thanks, all! I'm still waiting on that concorde windscreen when it comes in the mail, I'll paint it and install it on the concorde. then I'll be able to take pics. plus, I won't be getting much farther than sanding down the putty on the constellation since I'm bone dry out of primer and I won't have any cash till the first of next month
thanks, all.

well, I've finished sanding the Constellation down. but like I said, this is as far as I'm gonna get till I get cash.
haha! I could not stop myself. I decided to start on the USS Enterprise. I've completed assembly on the secondary hull (engineering section), attached the warp nacelle pylons (had a helluva time getting THOSE to stay in position) I've also assembled the warp nacelles and the primary hull (saucer section) just waiting for everythign to dry before I start puttying all the seams (which is pretty much everywhere )

well, the Enterprise has been completely assembled. she's 22" long (which is HUGE) I've tested the decals and they really ARE in great condition (thank god) instead of NCC-1701-A I'm gonna go ahead and exclude the "A" and just go with NCC-1701 like the Enterprise in the first 3 films. I'm just waiting a few days till some money comes in, then I can buy primer.
Nice one mate!

Btw, what do the Starship Enterprise and toilet paper both have in common? - They both search 'Uranus' looking for 'Klingons'...

hardy har har! as if we haven't heard THAT joke ten billion times!!!

EDIT: I'm having trouble keeping the starboard nacelle strut where it's supposed to be. so I put some cement on the joint between the nacelle strut and the secondary hull and rest the ship upside down so both nacelles will be where they're supposed to be. hopefully that'll keep it there. trouble is, it's the weight of the nacelle that's bending the strut down.
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..An oldy but a goody? How about this (seen on a toilet wall back in NZ):

Captain's log, Stardate: 10.12.86. Scotty and I have just beamed down for a crap...

About the strut problem, if what you're doing now dosen't work, mayvbe it can be reinforecd internally with wire (?)
lol nice one

yea, I could reinforce it with wire. I do have some coat hangers I can sacrifice. trouble is, I already put putty around the joint.
I bought this little base for $1 and used the yellow ash that Muller sent me. Was going for a easy build up just to give the P40 something to sit on. Oh, I didnt bother to fully clean the dust off for the pictures


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