What's on The Workbench (1 Viewer)

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Rob, the one you mention may be the better choice, is the one I posted, with the box top art. It's still available, and not too expensive - around £14 (approx $20) at full price, and can be found for less. I got my second one for £8 on e-bay.
The other kit, shown in Karl's post, is the earlier example. It's the same basic kit, but not up-dated as the 'Mig Killer' is, and not as refined or well detailed - unless that has been up-dated also.
The 'Mig Killer' has a full engine, which may be displayed with the rear fuselage removed, or on the engine trolley provided, if desired. There are two well detailed pilot figures, one standing, one sitting, both with separate oxygen masks, and a well detailed cockpit with internal canopy detail also.
thanks, Terry! I really shouldn't get it since I've got kits like they're potato chips. but I want it SOOO BAD @_@


the above kit i got is the same as you mention Terry, has engraved panel lines, engine, trolly and 2 pilot figures, cost £14 and change from modelhobbies
Thanks Cory.
And thanks Karl. Sounds like they've used the same kit for both versions now - their earlier kit (ex- Minicraft) was apparently good, but basic, and used similar box art. However, I'm just going off memory from reviews from about five years ago, which steered me towards the 'Mig Killer' version.
Rob - resistance is futile - get the bl**dy kit!
I've promised myself that, apart from two kits I 'need' to complete my BoB and 56 Sqn collections, and the odd accessory, I won't buy any more kits this year, as I have enough to last at least four years, probably longer.
But I'm watching a few on e-bay! Might be tempted if the price is right!
Is there no cure for this affliction ?!! (apart from the pub!).
forced myself to start patching up spots on the 757 with the extra decal sheet I got. not gonna show pics until I finish patching. after I show pics, then it'll be off making more pitot tubes and antennas. then she'll be DONE (once I get a new coat of Future, and engines and horizontal stabilizers on)
Got the anti-glare panel and other 'solid' colours painted, and the model masked and polished with SNJ silver powder, ready for spraying the first stage of the bare metal finish. (note that the kit is moulded in a silver grey plastic.)
Pics show the model before and after polishing with the powder, and with the start of some variation on some panels, which will be masked before spraying overall in Humbrol enamel No. 11 Silver.
The silver powder, which is supposed to be used after spraying the paint, coats the model in a slick metal finish, to which the paint then adheres, taking on a realistic metal look. Once the paint is dry, it is then polished again, using the silver powder as it's intended to be used, then polished with a soft cloth to give varying degrees of shine or sheen.
For full details of this method, see the 'Bare Metal Made Easy' guide I posted some time ago, in the 'Painting Questions' threads.


  • F-84F Build 025.jpg
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  • F-84F Build 031.jpg
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Great work Terry!

Calling the '262 DONE!
Not as good as I would have liked, but was sure a learning process (often on how many swear words I can fit in one sentence...). So fragile with all it's bloody antennas and dipoles.
Stand was a rush job too - handover today. Would like to have bought gold Letraset letters and done it nicely.


Subject: Messerschmitt Me 262B-1a/U1 Rot/Weiss 10, W.nr. 110635; 10. NJG 11 (Kommando Welter), Schleswig-Jagel, May 1945
Scale: 1:72
Kit: Revell #04136: Messerschmitt Me 262 B-1a/U1
Decals: kit decals, plus Hasegawa Hakenkreuze
Accessories: Eduard PE Neptun V antennas and engine throttles, from set 72-270
Mods: Rear canopy rear break line filled and rescribed in correct position, mast and D/F loop repositioned. Scratchbuilt cockpit details, Jumo engine exhaust plugs and dipoles. MK ports drilled out.

Natural light pics, have electric light pics too if anyone's interested ( - Excuse the bloody dust which seemed to love this kit!)

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Cheers Wayne! Long way from your standard mate, but maybe one day...!

Details on the stands, and pics of the F-51D and 262 packed to go to their new homes.


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