What's on The Workbench

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Good stuff Rob, and thanks for the compliments chaps.
The F-84, although not as good as I originally wanted it to be, is turning out reasonably well, considering the early paint problems. With a bit of luck, I might have it finished tonight.
Thanks Evan, Cory and Wayne. Got the F-84 virtually finished, just a couple of small areas to attend to. I hope to post the finished shots in the 'Completed Models' section tomorrow.
Not exactly a contestant for the orginality award...but I've been less-then-inspired as of late when it comes to working on kits. To get the show back on the road I looked at my shelf of doom, and lo and behold I found this 1/48 Airfix Spitty Mk.I/II kit laying around in a sorry state. I finished the paint work and started work on the decals. I used 3D-kits 'Rotol Spitfires' sheet to turn this baby into William Dunn's pre-august '41 Spitfire MK.II. As for the Spinner and fuselage band...used sky grey rather then sky. I dunno if it's appropriate or right or not...but I find it makes for an interesting deviaton to the regular all too familiar colours. Sofar this little project served it's purpose...I got back into the swing of thing. Hopefully I'll be able to finish this one and go back to some more 'serious' projects sometime soon


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Another project that has been transferred from the Shelf Of Doom back to the workbench. A Hasegawa Fw-190A-8. I have yet to do some work on the wheelbay doors 'cause those primer spots I did don't seem to work out as well as I had hoped, so they'll prolly gonna go. Other then that, I'm pretty happy with how things are coming together on this one.


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