What's on The Workbench

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If you mean from the tips of the bars, then 2 x 29.3 mm National markings here with your name on Bill :)

Drop us your address again in a PM mate!
Got a bit more done on the 'Thunderstreak', although my hands are still somewhat stiff, causing less than perfect results.
A gun sight reflector screen was made and fitted, replacing the kit part which, apart from being rather thick, was cracked and opaque anyway. The gun sight projector lens was first drilled out, then painted with a mix of silver and yellow, before being filled with PVA to create the lens element, then a piece of shaped clear sheet fixed in place for the screen.
The compass has been fitted to the windscreen frame and the windscreen fitted and blended in to the fuselage. The 'blending' could be much better, and in retrospect I think I should have fitted and blended this part, and the rear glazing, before painting the model - oh well!
The ejection seat has had the moulded harness removed and replaced with shaped and painted foil, and the armoured head shield added from shaped plastic card, and the internal frames and lifting arms fitted to the canopy, and the interior and exterior frames and sealing strip painted. I spent over an hour trying to remove what I thought was a paint mark, or possibly marker pen, from the starboard side of the canopy, before finally realising this is actually a flaw, being a discoloured, wavy line actually in the clear plastic!
Final shot shows progress to date, with all decals and painting done, although some re-touching will be required after fitting the landing gear and drop tanks etc, which is the next stage.


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Terry....... I see what you are doing, and the pain you are feeling when you do it.
and I feel like such a whinger when this shoulder that's gonna get cut up in few days, hurts like the devil hisself, and my head falls to the bench.

You do some great work, and are such a great resource for us all.
My personal thanks.
If you mean from the tips of the bars, then 2 x 29.3 mm National markings here with your name on Bill :)
Drop us your address again in a PM mate!

Got your PM, but you need to clean out your PM list. Not accepting any matey.....
Got my letters decals, so it's hot to go when they get here.
Thanks very much chaps!
Got the landing gear painted, with most of the nose gear, except the landing lamp, assembled, the main wheel bay walls and wheel doors are in place, along with the gear actuating cylinders, and the ejection seat has been installed (got some retouching to do around the windscreen frame!).
I hope to fit the landing gear tomorrow, and get the wing tanks and pylons done. I've decided to use the two smaller (outer wing) tanks, on the inner pylons (a configuration sometimes used), as there is only one of the larger tanks supplied in the kit, with the nuclear bomb being intended for the port, inner pylon. However, the pylon for the bomb is the wrong style, being the type used for a drop tank.
I should have more to show tomorrow, and thanks again for your kind comments.


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such beautiful work on that shiny bird, Terry!

I knew there were black spots on top of the fuselage, but I never knew what they were. I did research, and I found out they are ADF antennas. ADF standing for Automatic Direction Finder. a style of navigation still in use, today. apparently, it was originally called Radio Direction finder. from what I read, the antennas receive radio waves and relays them to a gyroscopic gauge on the panel of the cockpit (I think it's gyroscopic), which in turn points to the direction of where the signal is coming from. (btw, if I'm wrong about any of this, feel free to correct me. :)

since these are very slightly raised bumps on the surface, and since it's very very late in the completion of this model, I decided to paint them on. already almost looks like they're raised, eh?

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