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As memo serves it had been discussed somewhere before. According to my notes it was the Bedford OXC Tractor of the RAF SRU. The trailer was the short flatbed semi-trailer.

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View attachment 741607
the pic source: the net.
That's what I have found, the Short trailer. One model I have found looks, meh, to scale but at 1/35th.
So I am trying my darndest to get it sorta right. I cannot find any kind of table to give proper lengths.
The Queen Mary of trailers was built like a bridge, RANZAF is restoring one. The photo you show and
one other are the clearest for structure. If I knew the height of the rear trailer wheel I could crack on.
The rope at the rear of "5" was wrapped around the white fuselage stripe. The nose cone was close
to the front edge of the trailer. Looks like the trailer was about 25 feet long.

Thanks Wojtek!
That would be Rim Bead size I think. ?

Not sure. Just it was stated " Tyres: 10.50 - 16 ". A couple of Polish sites for the Bedford lorry state the same saying that's the tyre size. Also i found this data spec for the tractor and the Tasker trailers that seem to have the wheels of the same diameter but slightly "thicker". IMHO the diameter of the trailer wheel was about 1,25m.

The Bedford OCX tractor ...

the trailer ...

the source: Queen Mary

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