What's the oldest kit in your stash?

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Staff Sergeant
Jan 25, 2009
Newark, UK
I was having a rummage in the shed to see what I'm going to do next and I got to wondering how old some of the kits are, given the boxes look pretty retro on some of them. I thought it might be the Whirlwind at the top, but no, according to the fascinating Scalemates that's a relatively youthful 39 years old, whereas the Avenger at the bottom dates from 1973. Anyone beat that? (It would be a shame to actually build it somehow!)

The Whirlwind kit may well be a 'more recent' issue, but it actually dates from the earl / mid 1960s.
Without checking, I have no idea which is the oldest in my stash ( in terms of when I got it ), but, at a guess, the oldest in terms of the original moulds is possibly the Hasegawa 1/32nd scale Bf109E, which was originally a Frog mould from the late 1960's / early 1970's, and it's been in my stash around ten years I think.
There's some in there that I've had for over twenty years too.

Sorry yes this actual boxing is from '81, but the same kit goes back well before that. Who knows when it was actually moulded? I don't know anything about the model kit business, but I imagine a new boxing is a way to shift stock that isn't going anywhere. The Avenger was a new release in '73 (I was four years old!) so it's easy to pinpoint when it was moulded. The decals on both these look a bit "tired"!

PS everything in my stash has been there at least 10 years!
I remember building a couple of the original Airfix Whirlwinds in the early 1960's, from kits that had been around since at least the mid 1950s, but from memory, the release in your kit was the 'up-dated' version, I think from around 1965-67.
I have a 1962 Chevy Nova model kit from 1963 (NIB) waiting for me to get off my arse and do something with it.
Aircraft-wise, I have a Lindburg He162 kit (1/72) from the early 70's (also waiting for me to get off my arse).
Until last month when I built it, it was this Bulldog that I'd been saving to build as the one I flew back in my youth.
Nice little kit. Now only have modern (ish) kits left.

Edit: Kit was boxed / dated as 1973.
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I have an old Aurora SNJ-4 in my stash. That may well be the oldest kit that I have. As far oldest based on when I bought the kit, that could easily be my Monogram C-47 kit from Kmart back in the 1970s still unbuilt.

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