Why American aces had lower scores than anybody else

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And a lot of those were between 1945 and '55.
As an American, and a fairly objective historian regarding WWII, I would tone that summary contriution to a lower category, namely 'America was Essential to Allied victory.

Beyond that, an argument could be made that there was a solid chance that Commonwealth and Russia could have prevailed against Germany - first - so long as America continued lend Lease to include Oil/Refined products, aircraft and vehicles. That said, German U-Boats may have prevailed over shipping from US, absent US mobilization. Additionally, IMO, Japan would have driven the RN out of the Pacific - making it very difficult to provide any semblance of logistical support to India or SE Asia.

As for Pacific, absent pissing us off on December 7th and steering clear of US interests in Phillipines, Japan may have secured vital resource acquisitions to make it very difficult to outright defeat Japan, absent US entrance into the war.

The facts are that Russia and the Commonwealth collectively stopped Germany expansion, prevented acquisition of essential vital Energy resources, and drained monumental military assets from Germany in the process - before we effectively engaged anywhere on the ground.

IMO, with clear credit to Commonwealth forces in India, Australia and New Zealand providin crucial actions New Guinea and Solomons during a critical period in 1942, America WAS the overwhelming factor in the Pacific.

In Europe, the accolades are harder to toss exclusively to the title "Winner of WWII", to put it mildly. IMO, you could say that America ultimately won the Air War Oscar with a cast of Best Supporting Actors - but not the Ground war. We were a major Player, only. Ditto for the Battle of the Atlantic.
I did not mean the American soldiers won alone the war . All soldiers from all countries fought bravely. But it was not bravery or brilliant generals that decided the war
It was numbers. Numbers of tanks,aircraft, destroyers,. Food, fuel ,raw materials
And all the other allied countries fought with American weapon systems, or systems that were constructed using American raw materials. They were eating American food. And were standing on American shoes
The American daylight bomber offensive was absolutely impossible for any other nation. Yet it was the only reason that the England did not face xxi u boats in early 1944 or jet fighters from late 1943 and her population did not starve
Or that the Soviets only faced 1500 tigers and 6000 panthers instead 3-4 times that numbers
Soviet air force in 1944 had to face only 3 German fighter wings.Jg51,jg52,jg54(minus iii/jg54!). And still had many problems. Imagine now if all luftwaffe , day and night,fighter and bomber units was deployed on the eastern front! Soviets could not even stop the raids from he177s , and it was only the lack of fuel (caused by the Americans) that stoped them
Who would check at the same time Japan?
All campaigns on all fronts,against the axis forces after 1941 were mostly based on the American factories
And we should not forget. America was neutral only in name , even before December 1941. Without America s desicive support , England would have lost control of the Atlantic routes.
And ,really, even if luftwaffe could shoot down 60 bombers on every mission America could built much more
German built ,if I remember correctly, about 27000 torpedoes . America built more ships!!! (Any kind and size, military vessels and merchants)From late 1943 were canceling orders for de s, they had ordered more than 1000!
Merlin was the best aero engine of the war , and it was an English design, so what? They had to ask America to help with their production!

I say again...
Dear me, in terms of this discussion "America" and "England" dont figure at all. North America is a continent, the Americas are two continents. North America contains Canada the USA and Mexico. England ceased to be a sovereign state in 1707 with the Act of Union. This is not semantics or pedantry, talking of "England" is not only ignorant it is insulting to all those who werent English but who fought for the commonwealth military. Without USA involvement the war in Europe would have continued, it may have come to a stalemate or there may have been a "winner" if that is possible with so many millions dead. The USA, as has been said already was a major contributor to the war they were in. If the UK was unable or unwilling to fight in 1940 and Russia capitulated in 1941 the USA has a much different war to win.
I now get what D dedalos was saying, that American economic strength enabled the Allies to pull through, and in that sense, yes, it was our crucial contribution. I misread his point in a manner of sorts. T-34s were often built with imported American steel, planes were fueled often by American avgas of all grades, etc. This is true.

But I think the Germans lost the war once they were turned back at Moscow.
Yes I agree
, America would have a different war to win, but eventually,still,would win, even if it would need atomic weapons.
Without America the rest of the allied powers, against Germany and Japan, the best scenario would be a draw
I am aware of the geography of the American continent. However on major international affairs, the entire continent follows the policy of the dominant country without question. This is a fact at least since the American president Monroe. Would ever Canada dare to follow a different route on major issues than USA? Would have suffered the fate of the Confederate States of America.
On UK case England is also the dominant part of the union. It was never a union of equality. I would say ,that actually it was a polite way to pass the de facto occupation of Scotland,Ireland and Wels without further revolutions and independence wars. Look at the Brexit case. Scotland wanted to remain in EU. England wanted the Brexit. Guess what happened. So ,in reality , it was , and still is England not UK.

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