Wick's Bf 109s

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The Pop-Tart Whisperer
Feb 19, 2007
Southern New Jersey
From the library and internet, some pics of Helmut Wick's bf109s.


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some profiles and artwork.


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Interesting that 2 of the photos and one of the color profiles has a small bluebird(?) just in front of the double chevrons. I've seen pics and profiles of Wick's planes before but I had never noticed this element. Thanks for posting these njaco.
interesting how the first few pics the tail was "photoshopped" to take out the swastika.

Usually you find this with pictures for sale on EBay, I beleive some coutnies have a rule that you cant post something for sale that shows the swastika. Not for sure though.
and some more........


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found some more including 2 from Wurger and some expanded views of previous pics. Some profiles and book cover thrown in.


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Good stuff Chris. I hadn't seen that second pic before. Interesting that the profile (as most others) show the nose in yellow, but the book cover has the ID paint as white, which, I believe, is the correct interpretation for JG2. Most sources state yellow nose / wing tips, but i recently saw something about it being white, born out by the tones on a B&W photo.
The White nose was first, then Yellow was applied later, I'm still wanting to confirm the white wingtips....that second pic is a bit better in the book that Chris posted and it looks like the lower side of the outer wing just may be white?....maybe?? If white was used it was very short lived....

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