Will be in Europe for 3 weeks this Summer

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Dec 9, 2007
Revis Island.
On Wednesday June 19th, I leave New Jersey and head to Zurich, Switzerland for a week.. I'm going with my lady friend and her sibling. We're staying with her Aunt and Uncle. After that we're heading to her Grandparents in England for 2 weeks. I forget the name of the town (I'll get it) but its outside of the London area. Never been to Europe so hopefully its fun! Any pointers my European friends
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Enjoy your trip !
Try all the different beers and food.
Soak up the culture.
Where are you visiting in England?
You'll like our country and the denizens don't bite
Don't mention the war.
In the UK, look RIGHT first before crossing the road!
Anywhere else, don't cross the road - it's safer to get a taxi!
And remember, in the UK, although distances may seem short compared to the USA, it takes twice as long to get there!
Oh, and by the way, 99% of the UK is outside of London - thankfully!
Hope you have a great trip H - let us know where in the UK you'll be, then we can send Jan to really confuse you!!
Switzerland is nice, in Geneva, make sure you'll do some hicking in the alps. As a warbird enthousiast you'll definately want to see Hendon or Duxford, but I don't know where in The UK you will be. I like Scotland very much, old castles, history and mistery if you have an eye for such things.
Oh, and visit the Netherlans of course, the greatest country in Europe
Oh, and by the way, 99% of the UK is outside of London - thankfully!

True, but London is the only bastion of culture. Anywhere north of Watford is a hive of incest, flat caps, cavalier attitudes towards personal hygiene and rickets.

And that's just the women.

Google "Dark Satanic Mills"

Have a great trip H, you will love it! So many different cultures, languages, archtecture, scenery...
My one tip: TAKE A CAMERA!

Shame you won't be heading my direction, but you will love Switzerland anyway (don't know about England, they seem like a rowdy bunch of louts to me )
Enjoy it!

Zurich is nice but very very expensive. My sister in law lives in Zurich.

Too bad you guys are not hitting up Germany. So many wonderful things to see there. You will love Switzerland and England though just as much.
(don't know about England, they seem like a rowdy bunch of louts to me )

Enthusiastic would be another word if you mean football supporters

Being one of the English boys is fantastic and I would recommend Harrison to go to a decent football game whilst in Blighty.

If you have time, the RAF museum, the Imperial war museum and Greenwich are definitely worth a visit.
The north of England ( ie anything beyond Watford), Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are best 'toured' on google earth .
Its much safer for a young American.
But at least we cultured, refined, polite and friendly Northern folk smile, and admit we've just ripped you off!
Don't bother with the football - boring, nancy-boys game - try rugger instead.
Our National Dish is Chicken Tikka Masala, and the drink of the masses (those who watch and actually enjoy football), is Lager.
Don't be fooled by this - again, we, the cultured, refined, polite and friendly folk from the North, have more elevated tastes, and prefer good real ale, with the best cusine (normally French or Italian ...!), and, of course, we speak proper English, where, for example, we call a van a van, not a ven, and a common bird is a Thrush, not a Frush ..... and even further North, the dialects can be fully understood by Danes and Norwegians - no b*gg*r else of course, just Danes and Norwegians!!
And it's not true - we do have electric light, and flushing toilets - every Tuesday and Thursday, unless it's raining ...
If you get a chance to shoot over to Hungary, give us a yell mate! Always a place for ya to crash here, and Budapest is a beautiful city (not like those crowded English streets full of drunk footy and rugger supporters! )
(not like those crowded English streets full of drunk footy and rugger supporters! )

The glorious football season doesn't start in August and then its great, every Saturday with fans traversing our green and pleasant land. Well, green and pleasant up till Birmingham then its pretty grim. You cannot understand a word, the food is vile, the beer warm and the women frightening. In Leeds you are considered anorexic if you are below 19 stone. For the full 'English experience' venture to Plymouth were at least you get stabbed with a clean knife...

There are a lot of things best not to say too...
Perhaps we should compile a list so your visit is enjoyable.
Slight correction to John's post - up to Birmingham is reasonable. Around Birmingham is probably acceptable to those who are forced to live there, although the dialect is conducive to suicide.
Once 60 or so miles north of Birmingham, it gets better and better, with the Cheshire plain rising to the hills and moors of the Pennines, and then up to the beautiful Lake District (if they had a lake in the South, they'd try to drink it - probably better than what passes for their beer!). Head East from the Lakes, and you'll find the wonderful, rugged beauty of the Northumberland fells and coast line, with all the castles (built to keep out the ancient southerners, who, back then, realised things were much better 'up North!).
Above that is Scotland. That's where Jan lives, so visit at your own risk .....

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