Wings over Camarillo

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Man, what a day yesterday! Controversy, intrigue, harassment and drama in the morning with a little bit of flying in the morning. The afternoon got better. I won't divulge too much here as I am writing the article for the Pacific Flyer this year. I will say that the afternoon did improve drastically.

The highlights; 2 Zeros, 2 P-38s, Spitfire and Mustang in formation, F4F (Actually an FM-2), F6F, F7F, F8F, F4U, Red Bull Helicopter, Rob Harrison, John Collver and lots more. 99% of the performers were on their A game. We did have one "oops" that I haven't found out what happened exactly yet, but the Wildcat pranged the right wing pretty heavily. I doubt it will fly today. BP, when you get out there today, check out the Wildcat (it was parked in front of the CAF last night, although it might be moved this morning. It's mostly superficial damage, but it looks worse than it probably is.

Here are a few shots. More to come. The first 2 were what the CAF ramp looked like at 6:30 in the morning (yes, I got there that early). The next 2 are the right wing damage on the Wildcat. I am guessing he caught a crosswind or a vortex (there were a LOT of airplanes up at the time).


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These will have to suffice for now. I have to prep for another full day in the sun, and on my feet. I'm not complaining though.


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Thats it!! A local church had 2 flown in from South America for a church fair (they were from missionaries) and were given rides. Loved it. "Crank those flaps!!"
Thanks guys. I met Beau and his wife at the show on Sunday afternoon. We chatted for a bit before the flying started. It was great to meet you both.

The warbird flying on Sunday was better than Saturday.


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I had a great time at the airshow sunday and walked away with a nice sunburn. Sorry we didnt say bye Eric, but it was time for us to head out. We will need to to try and meet up again at the next airshow. I had a great time talking to you, and walked away with learning a few things too.

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