Woljags' Avro Lancaster/Manchester/Lincoln/York/Shackleton - Personal Group Build

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pics i took a week ago showing the progress so far on the Lancaster,i've not had much time to myself over the holiday due to trying to finish the house,hopefully i can put that right soon,the 1st pic is of my frog shackleton the next part of this build once i've finished the 3 here already started,

thanks for looking
just found out today that the model shop i found last year locally to me is shutting down,so i've bought up most of their paints,don't know what i'm going to do for stuff now,i guess i will have to do it all online
Don't you hate that..great places are hard enough to find..without them closing. These days I will have to drive 400km round trip to get any sort of paint supplies for the Spitfires.

BTW, The Lanc is looking wonderful!
thanks chaps very kind,are there any local members who know of a hobby shop that sells our wares in the maidenhead/slough or High wycombe areas
Wow, nice work on the Lanc Bob!

That is a real shame about the shop closing, not everybody likes shopping online.

...And many thanks again for the parts! They were worth the wait!
anytime Evan,i'm very pleased with the results on the lancaster thanks to your help with the parts,as its a test shot and not very well moulded i came close a few times giving up on it and buying a modern complete kit
Here is the same Bob. My friend who has run a LHS for many years here , had to close it too. The nearest one is about 100km (55NM) from my home.

Sorry , but could you tell me... what these code letters are doing there at the Lanc horizontal stabilizers and elevators? I don't think these were there at all.
The Lanc is looking good Bob, and I haven't forgotten the info on the hangars etc. I'll get it sorted this week.
Wojtek, code letters were repeated on the tail planes and fins for some day light operations in 1944 or 1945, although I'd need to check details of which Squadrons used them and when.
Wojtek,to be honest i just followed the frog pics i had in one of my books on this kit showing an aircraft done this way and as Terry says the subject was for a late war Lancaster,there were no camo or markings instructions with this test shot,

Thanks Terry your a gent
I see guys.. Thank you for the info. To be honest I haven't seen any shots of Lancasters with a such marking on tails. So all is fine then Bob.
Do love that Lanc Bob and am looking forward to the Shackleton build, they were a hard and long serving workhorse of the RAF and I kind of have a soft spot for them. Sorry to hear about your hobby shop though, I guess online shopping is having it's effect.
thanks Vic,i plan to finish off a few i have started 1st including the Manchester/Lancaster/Lincoln from this thread as Chris wants the book shelve back
Avro York

at last i've found the cockpit canopy for the York kit i've had laying around for ages and so as i couldn't sleep last night i started to build the fuselage of this kit for the collection,pics to follow shortly but this restore of an old build is in very poor condition

progress so far on york,as you can see its not in very good condition,i've added internal bulkheads and floor to stiffen up the fuselage and some long sticks to mount the main wings in place as the fuselage section where the wings mount is all but broken away,hopefully this will stiffen up once the glue drys and the body in filled

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