I have nothing but respect for an excellent site. However I also use other sourcesGlider,
Nearly all the equipment I listed were standard for German U-boats. (Anto radar coating for the schnorchel was not)
If you found some comments on U-boat net then look at the bottom of the page to see the sources, cause always backs up its information with a list of respectable sources.
The allied acoustic torpedo was effective. It was designed to strike against escorts and any escort hit would be out of the battle which was the idea. I didn't mention the Mk28 torpedo which was a full sized version that just made the war due to the very low numbers used.And about the Allied acoustic torpedo, again it was NOT effective and it was incredibly small unlikely to cause any serious damage to what'ever it hit. The German accoustic homing torpedoes on the other hand were the same fullsize torpedoes with a 280 kg warhead as their std. torpedoes and their homing system was a whole lot better.
The Mk 27 was a very stealthy torpedo that self launched not needing compressed air which meant that the target had no clues to know that it was coming. A very valuble attribute when taking on escorts.
We willl have to agree to disagree on thisAnd about the anti radar coatings, well they were infact highly effective, reducing radar signature by 90%. However not many U-boats were equipped with this.
This was new to me and interestingFurthermore German subs also used anti sonar coatings, making them harder to spot with sonar. This worked very well, reducing the signature by about 15%, not much, however the noise of the boat was reduced as-well increasing the stealth capability of the boat.