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Airman 1st Class
Mar 24, 2014
Peasmarsh UK
So I had this crazy idea to build a complete Hurricane in 1:1 scale. I joined on here and got some very good advise from some incredibly helpful people. Thank you for all the advise. I will very slowly but surely be posting progress on here as I go. I am planning to build it inbetween running my own business, and may not post for weeks at a time. I have a set of Arthur Bentley plans and I have also scaled up plans from a 1:24 balsa kit ive had years to a 1:2 scale. It will be on an incredibly tight budget mainly using parts I can make and scavenge. Sounds cheap I know haha but interested in a challenge and it will be build as close to the original as possible including detailed cockpit. So far I have bought several lengths of steel box section which will be the inner skeleton of the cockpit/fuselage area. I will keep you posted with pics as I go. I am currently away for 2 weeks so will be starting it end of April.

Thanks Lee
Good stuff Lee. Looking forward to seeing things develope. Presumably you'll get a lot of detail photos when you get to see the Hurricane under re-build, but if you're stuck for such things as cockpit and other detail, just shout - I'll help if I'm able to.
Good stuff. there was a replica instrument panel on e-bay a few days ago, but don't know if it's still going. Have a word with Gary and Tony (Geedee and Rocketeer), as they might be able to put you in touch with supply sources, and Tony makes the odd Hurricane and Spitfire replica cockpit parts too. You can see some of his stuff at the Air Defence Collection.
haha I wish. iv ordered a set of 1/4.5 scale plans from mick reeves models so thatll be a great help. No shortage of plans now. I wouls like an engine in it for taxiing purposes, I hear the spitfires from 'a piece of cake' had Yamaha engines
Goodho, another big build !.

Deffo speak to Tony, he has a 1:1 Hurri cockpit, all built using original parts where poss.

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