1/24 MK V Spitfire

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2nd Lieutenant
Nov 20, 2007
I have been wanting to get a start on this one for awhile I might say.The reason being this one will be a stepping stone lets say to the P-51 I started eons ago and pulled back from.The 109 was a step for me as far as detailing engines and this will be another step in that direction for some additional skills and techniques to be acquired I hope.I have already taken some artist license with this just for the shear fact lack of space and lack of pics of undersides of the engine.The books in reference are "Spitfires and Polished Metal",Warbird Techs "Griffon Spits" and Squadron Signal Publications.My intentions is to make the engine look busy enough on this one to pass.I also have 1/24 placards on order from airscale - Cockpit placard decals - Cockpit placard decals for RAF, Luftwaffe, USAAF, USN and WW1 aircraft. to enhance the pit some.I have already stolen the compass decal from the the Waldron kit for the P-51 just could not believe it was not supplied :banghead:

The kit does have it's issues as for the wind screen tucking in not out will show that later and the tailplanes being fabric one side and skinned on the other :banghead: Makes you wonder what these guys get payed to do :| I will on the tailplanes sand down the fabric I guess and pull out the rivet tool for the first time :rolleyes: But all in all I believe she will very much resemble a Spitfire.


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I forgot to mention that Terry this is the Trump kit I thought Airfix only did the MK1? I have this and the MKVI in the stash.I appreciate the positives on the work thus far accomplished still abit to go.I will add 2-4 more lines on this side and I all the other side yet to do.I made one line last night 5 times finally said wait till morning.You know the definition of insanity "doing the same thing over and over hoping/looking for a different result" I was there last night.Today it came to me start building from the other end and work back should work since that end was the hangup.

The pad on the seat is wrong from what I understand but all the 1/24 AM are dried up for this kit Meotor doing most of them.Suppose to be an issue with the prop but I wonder if people were confusing it with the Rotol wooden blade setup?I will bring that issue up later for you Terry to get a better answer.
Thanks Kevin. Yes, Airfix do a MkV version, which is basically the 1970 Mk1 kit with extra bits to make a MkV.
The seat would normally be empty, with the seat-type parachute occupying the 'bucket', the harness of which, if left in the aircraft, would be draped over the seat back, fastening straps clear of the seat.
I'd need to see the prop to advise Kevin. The early MkVs used the 3 blade, metal de Havilland or Rotol prop, later versions had the broad-chord metal Rotol, with the 'pointed' spinner.
Great start thats some really nice detail added.
Great start, particularly on the engine and instruments. I have the old Airfix 1/24 Mk1 on my must-do-someday shelf. Will be really interested to see your progress on this one, with a view of picking up some good tips. Sláinte.
Thks Guys ;) I got that pesky line on the first try last night this is the learning phase "thinking different".I got a couple on the otherside done in the form of coolant lines not much going on there in the form of fuel?Going to have to dig alittle deeper and I might have to remake a part that looks totally wrong but would add abit.Pics tonight or tomorrow morning have to pull an engine today or tomorrow to rebuild for one of my brothers.Cheers
Terry was over looking at John's build on the MkIX here http://www.ww2aircraft.net/forum/st...re-1-32-ioannis-agorastos-plagis-26257-7.html since Tamy did a much better representation of everything.How much do you think the Mk V engine layout is to the Mk IX?John's engine already answers a couple of questions and I need to build one piece for the L/S I can see and maybe add the can on the U/L of the firewall?? Thks in advance Sir .Pics of John's engine.Cheers


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The MkV engine was different, and shorter, than the '60' series fitted to the MkIX, but the general layout was similar. If you can hang on a day or so, I should have some pics of a MkVs Merlin installed in the aircraft.
Thks Terry I switched to the pit ATM ;) Cheers
No problem Kevin. I found some shots I took of the BBMFs MkV with the cowlings off, but it had a Merlin 66 installed at the time, so similar to the MkIX. I have some good shots in a book, which I'll put into a PDF and post, hopefully by tomorrow night.
They're not as good as I thought - those for the MkIX and MkXVI being better! But here they are, on a page from the 'SAM Spitfire Data File'. Hopefully they might help a bit.


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Looking for more of the engine in play but still it answer one question definitivly no can upper L/side of bulkhead.Then raised another this black can on the L/S? A different location from the MkIX in Johns build that Tamy provided it's lower mounted to the engine frame itself.The MkIX's had a line coming out the side of the oil sump on the L/S most likely a return line?Also Terry they show a four bladed prop?MkV or MkVI setup there?Thks Terry.Cheers
I'd need to check on the 'can' to see what it is and where it is on the MkV. A problem with current airworthy Spits is the availability of props - some early marks fly with, or have flown with, a four-blade prop, as did the BBMF MkII and MkV at one time (and one of their Hurricanes.). As props are re-built, or manufactured, then owners try to fit the more authentic version, but of course, for economy, and to keep the bird in the air, a for-blade might be the only option.
The MkV in WW2 definitely had a 3 blade prop in normal service.
EDIT:- I'll check what I have in the way of pics of Spit MkII engines, as the layout was virtually the same.
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