1/24 mossie

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Hi guys just thought i would slot the engine pods to the wing so you could have a taster of what she will look like when they are fitted.BB

Thanks guys hey rochie go for it mate hey glenn wait till you see the bomb bay there,s loads to go in there cannons , bombs ,and fuel tanks ..BB
Thanks guys i will post more pics when i have done some more of her .Great news Airfix came up trumps with the part for the undercarriage so i can now finish that might see if i can get it done when my shifts finish on monday morning Yuk i hate working 12 hour rolling shift patterns but hey it pays for big kits. back soon.BB
Thanks guys i have now fitted the engines and flaps to the wings also the extra fuel tanks in the bomb bay .Ihave also started the the hispano cannon pack i will post pics later cos i,m of to the suffolk show.BB
Thanks Glenn its coming along iv,e weathered the cannonons a bit more so the detail is more pronounced as you can see by the pic of the wing root the wings are pretty wide and she,s starting to get arkward to move around the old work bench .bb

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