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Thanks guys, I did some touch up on the mottling painted the prop and untapped the mottling aint the best I need more practice the new airbrush has made a difference in painting
up next clear.

Nice work, Jerry and I love the job you've done on the 'pit. I've started a build on The Bf109F-4 in 1:32 and the cockpit is very close to the 109G from what I can see.


Jerry, with this aircraft ALL the kill bars should be RED if you can make the change that would be more accurate, the other similarly marked aircraft with the wing cannons carried the 3 Black kill bars.
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Thanks guys. Wayne thanks for the input on the kill bars I will try to find some more red ones and put them over. Decal progress so far.

Thanks guys for the kind words it has been slow getting back to modeling but its getting there.

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