Today is high school graduation for my elder daughter. Strange to think that our little girl will be leaving the house for college in just a few months.
I took the day off as my sister flew in from Hawaii to attend the graduation. So I snuck out into the garage for a few moments this morning to work on the Dora.
The windscreen has been painted with the interior color RLM66. Still toying with the option of displaying the canopy open or shutting it. The fit with the resin hood, windscreen and canopy looks pretty good. Slight overhang on the windscreen but nothing that can't be easily corrected.
Thinking ahead to painting, I trace a mask of the sliding canopy section.
The supercharger fan was painted.
And the supercharger intake was glued into place. The glue seam around the intake needs to be filled so that is why I am doing it now since it'll be much easier to access the bottom seam without the wing in the way.
The gap around the intake is filled with White Milliput. Once this is dry, I will blend the joint with Mr Dissolved Putty. I've been using this stuff more and more and I'm beginning to really like it. Compared to Mr Surfacer 1000, it dries faster, doesn't shrink as much (big plus) and sands just as nice.
The horizontal tail surfaces have been glued into the separate tail unit. Again, it is much easier to work on the joints with this tail unit separated from the fuselage.
That's all for now. USPS tracking says that my PE bending tool will be delivered today so soon I'll be able to play with the Eduard brass flaps.