1/32 Revell Spitfire MKIIa

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Just a couple of update for you boys. More or less finished the weathering and got most of the bits and pieces on. Getting down to the short strokes now with canopies, nav lights, pitot tube and some final weathering on the landing gear to be done.
The gun tape was made using Tamiya masking tape, sprayed with vallejo red then dullcoted to prevent the red from wiping off the tape.

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Beautiful looking Spitfire, Dave!

Thanks John,
What paints did you use in your application?

Ack... didn't see this question til now. Probably too late but I use primarily Tamiya acrylics so that camo colors and the highly thinned greys that I sprayed to get the salt fading effect were all Tamiya acrylics.
Great looking model David . Sorry, I forgot to weigh in on the salt fading technique too! For future reference, I use enamels to overspray as they have less chance of interacting with the salt and any residual moisture in it and also, if you're working over an acrylic base, if there are any parts you stuff up or don't like you can simply wipe it off or modify it using enamel thinners. I go fairly lightly for general fading and staining.

Or more heavily if you want to represent fluid stains and spatters around filler ports, etc

It's looking good.
A couple of things you might want to look at - both ailerons are deflected down at the moment, one should be up by the same degree that the other is down.
Also, that 'notch' above the entry hatch, at the base of the rear glazing, indicated by the yellow arrow, shouldn't be there (a common problem on Spit kits) - the forward frame of the glazing was in line with the edge of the hatch opening. However, with the canopy open, this will be mostly hidden, although possibly still noticeable.
Thanks guys. Much appreciated. Almost there.

Terry, I don't think I can fix that canopy opening at this stage. the Glazing should be forward to be in line with the hatch. Too big of a difference on a finished model at this stage.
Silly me I forgot the basic physics of flight with the ailerons. That one I can fix.

True. I used acrylics and should have used enamels for the overspray. Will remember that next time.

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