1/32 Tamiya Merlin's Magic P-51D Reno dio

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Nov 1, 2009
Miranda, NSW
I know I now have 5 in the build stage...... I just wanted to get this thread started as I will be picking at this one as well. See I reallly do have more on my bench than anyone else!!!!!!!!!

I posted the motor in the thread asking advice on the best kit in 1/32, and I did wait for the Tamiya kit which I now have, boyoboy am I glad I waited! Chook kindly turned over the motor from his Tamiya Spitty since he wasn't using it in his build. I wanted to have the blown Merlin engine on a stand in the dio. He blew a rod on the track at Reno, and changed engines there. A picture of the engine on a stand is included on his website, along with many of the in progress of changeover. My association with the plane as I stated before, is the nose art I created and painted on the plane too many years ago.

I have built the blown engine and a scratch built stand. This weekend I spent some time building the work platform to go in the dio. It's a little out of scale, but it's my first go. This week I will make some jig pieces on the router to make a more to scale version. I have to make 2, one for each side of the plane. I heated some sprue from the Yak with a hair dryer for the bending. I found holding a flame under the stuff was something less than desirable to be kind. The new jigging should work a treat where I will be using some PVC rod. Anyone want a 1/2nd work platform?????


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Very nice Bill. Are you going to try to duplicate the scene from the actual plane photo?

These are more like what I want to do, with the prop off and the replacement installed, red engine on the stand near MM.

Anyone know of a small 1/32nd fork lift kit????

BTW, thanks for not making any remarks about how many projects I have underway!!!!!! Annie just shakes her head at them. I will be glad when I get the cabinet built to store them in and get them off every flat surface in the house!


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Ok.. I was noticing on the yellow stands you made that the bottom cross piece is different than what's in the photo. There is a part on the bottom of stand on the model that goes from back to front in a straight line. Back left to front left. In the photo you have this part goes in a diagonal direction from back right to front left.

Boy am i Glad I posted That!!!!!! LOL. It was a first attempt to make one of these fiddly things. So I knocked this one up "just for you". My LHS didn't have any PVC angle so I had to use what was at hand, some channel. I am a little happier with this one. Even got the wheels at the back and the top extends beyond the frame. My jig and side pieces. Some yellow and I can set it aside. Unless I loose my senses, it's gonna be just ONE platform.

I must say thanks for the observations. I do want this one to be pretty accurate. It will sit at the top of my custom made cabinet which I am making at work. Just ordered the tempered side glass, back is made and the base is being welded up for me. Pics when complete.


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Thanks guys.....
Been waiting for stuff to dry again, and back on MM so I don't touch the stuff and muck it up.
Putting the replacement engine together. Can't see that much detail in it so I am just making it sparkle with some shiney stuff. Got to paint all the bolt heads yet, add the mags and such. Using the engine stand from the red engine while I'm working on it. Everybody should have an engine stand I think!

I sure like the way these big Tammy kits go together, I'm getting spoiled.


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Well there Wayne, I "learnt" something new again.

I gave Wiring the red engine a go with some beading wire .035mm but found it too bl**dy stiff to work with. Tried and tried, I can be a bit stubbern.
I have now ordered some soldering wire .04mm and will give that a go. But spark plug wiring is a must on both in and out of the plane.


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