1:32 Trumpeter TBM Avenger Build

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Well... there's a slight hiatus on the Avenger Hiatus. A couple parts of the Distillery needed to be re-cut due to some minor errors I made on the drawings so I had another day to work on the Avenger and got the other wing joint piped. Took much less time to do the right hand wing joint than the left due to that wonderful learning curve and actually knowing what I was doing.

This time I drilled and installed the micro pipe fittings before joining it to the joint.

Then, when I went to install it, I realized that I drilled the holes on the wrong side of the cylinder. So I cut off the mounting lug and glued it in correctly. Without the lug, the joint was weak, but with medium CA in the slot, secured it well enough.

The brass wire I'm using for the hydraulics is from a wire net wrapped around bottles of Rioja Spanish red wine. When I removed those nets, I immediately realized that this was a nice small guage brass that had modeling usage. I was right. It's a bit tougher than copper wire of the same guage and less difficult than the guitar string.

Here is an intermediate shot showing the early piping.

And now with the rubber hoses added to the metal piping.

And here are both wing joints ready to be installed and painted.

So with this done, and the new distillery parts expected next week some time, I may or may not contiue working on the Avenger. If I can, I will post the results.

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Another rare Saturday work session and I finished up the inner wing PE. I was then able to attach the two lower wing sections together with the newly piped hinge assembly. Well look at that. I was able to upload directly. It was right in front of my eyes. I was always looking at the icon bar for the insert and not at that big (upload) box at the bottom.

The placing of the PE was certainly easier this second time around. Isn't it always? Notice the tiny little PE bracket with a PE gear-looking thing and a brass rod. Don't know what it's for, but it certainly took more time to install than it was worth. Sometimes this really little stuff drives me nuts.

The lower halves of the wings are joined through the hinge pieces. It has enough gluing surface to be pretty secure. I moved it back and forth and with the new bushings is very stable and works well.

You can see how the fold brings the flaps very close together. One of the timing valves is to ensure that the flaps clear one another so they don't be broken when the wing swings by.

Next up was creating and positioning the flap hinges. This time I attempted to medium CA the PE hinges into their slots since I now know that closing the wing on top isn't dependable enough to hold the hinges in place.

Lastly, I positioned the 50. cal in its spot to see how it all fits and to determine what should be painted and what should be ignored. I will leave some parts unpainted that will be completely obscured when the wings are glued together.

Since the replacement parts for the distillery won't be here until late next week, I will get some more TBM work done. At the rate the assembly's going, I might get ready for paint by the end of next week. There's more PE brackets going on the fold area of the upper wing half, but since I'm get better at it, shouldn't take too long (famous last words...). The landing gear have Eduard PE brake lines, but I'm thinking that I will use iron wire which is much easier to handle and less brittle. PE simulating wire is much worse than wire simulating wire.
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Super detailed and non-working hinge...now. As you'll see, I gave up on them. I did my best, but it wasn't good enough. The engineering could have been better.

I did get clarity on the hydraulic question... and yes, the flaps are hydraulic and the ailerons are cable operated with the bullies hidden in the hinge area and not modeled. While I did work on Saturday to finish up the PE on the other wing root, I didn't post, but got more done today. Basically what I didn't get done was get the flap hinges to work. The design is awkward and doesn't really work. I attempted to stabilize all the floating pieces with CA, but just got a mess. After messing with the pins and the PE hinges, I decided to scrap it and glue the flaps closed since I'm going to display with the wings folded and the flaps would not be hanging open. The hinge rods should have somehow snapped into their slots, not just lay there hoping that the upper wing will hold it all in place. Today I started working on the upper wings. These too have their PE enhancements some from the kit and a lot from the Eduard set. First there were two walls to install in the wheel well. Last week I cut the parts for one wing ahead of when I was going to use them thinking, "I won't lose them". Famous last words! Of course I lost one. So I cobbled one together out of styrene sheet, added a raised strip and marked and drill the rivet marks.

In the wing root, the PE lined both the bottom and side of the space with all those webs. In the wing body (top), Eduard did not include a bottom and you had to fill the slots to receive the plastic webs in preparation to receive the PE wedges. Instead of piling in filler and then sanding it all off, I used styrene strip to fill the bulk of the space, and then use some filler to clean it up.

I used a razor saw to trim the strips down almost level so I reduced the amount of filing needed to make them flush.

After this pic was taken I added the Tamiya filler. I'll sand it tomorrow.

While all this was drying, I saw that there was some more PE to be added on the fuze. There were two PE overlays to add more relief to the tail skid area, and then a folded piece which was supposed to have a piece of plastic rod to add as a snubber to control the downward drop of the tail hook.

Instead of the plastic rod, I drilled the PE to accept a 0.021" brass rod. I also did not use CA on this, but epoxied it with J-B Weld 5-Minute Epoxy. It cured much more securely than CA which has been letting go on a lot of the brass overlays that concerns me. I scratch the back of the brass pieces to provide more "tooth" for the CA to grab, but it still doesn't like to hold metal all that well. The epoxy worked really well, it's just not instant.

I feel bad about scrapping the hinges, but with folded wings you're not going to be expecting the flight surfaces to be moving at all.
Looking good. Too bad about the hinges but getting such a mechanism to work whilst getting everything to line up properly is a pretty tall order for a plastic model.

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