1/32 Westland Wendover (The Matchbox Mutilation...)

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So... I promised ya'll a seat...

Some 1.5mm styrene rod, some bending, some CA, some glueing of fingers to things... and Ta-DAAH!

Used the old seat as a template for the back...

1.5mm halfround rod... Seat?


A little sanding. A little bit of styrene for an armour backing to the seat...

All it needs now is the raising mechanism...

Which involves tiny parts. And it's actually kit parts! That I can use!

Oh, and modern kit makers; Take note! TINY SPRUE GATES! IT CAN BE DONE! WITH 70S TECHNOLOGY!! (I'm looking at you, Airfix...)

Tiny seat adjuster jack, made from some scrap styrene and a kit part. The thread on the big wormscrew is done with some lead wire.

It looks pretty good, all together like this. And some paint will do wonders.

I added a handle for the brakes and some wire, and with paint it looks the bussiness. Still needs some weathering and a matt coat and than it's another job done.

More soooon!


And now you're all up to speed with the various other forums I'm posting this build on. We now return to our regular building schedule...
Seat weathered and washed.

That is all.


What are you still doing here?


Oh well...

"More soooon!"



Very nice work Indeed !
Looking forward to more. Rather dubious about the use of Interior Green on the ammo boxes and tank straps though. This was an American colour, not normally seen on British-built aircraft, where Cockpit Grey Green would be used .
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Well, since I am well and truly diving into the dreaded world of Whatiffery with an operational Wendover including a full FN.20 turret, I think I can get away with this colour without too much trouble...

Must say that I have several pictures of Lysanders sporting all kinds of interior green varying from Zinc Chromate to Dark Green and everything in between.

Cheers for the input tho.

You are making a tremendous job Rob.
I love the way you did the internal structure. I have taken note of formidable tips for scratch.

I've never seen this strange plane made on this scale as you are accomplishing.
I will be very attentive to what follows, I congratulate you.

Saludos cordiales !

Luis Carlos

P.D. Your way of narrating the process is very funny and entertaining!

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