Thanks Chris. I couldn't let the starboard cowl seam go - kept looking at it so gave it a 4th pass of surface primer and a light sand. Life is good now.
Stuck in the flaps today and also added the Revi sight but have not detailed it yet. Pics soon.
I guess I never did post those pics so here are some as she stands today (I did not have my macro lens attached so no real close-ups this time). Resin Revi sight and reflector glass added and painted, flaps and lower radiator louvres glued in and painted (note that the ejector pin marks on the latter will be hidden once the upper louvers are added), and, as I stated above, I just could not leave the right cowl alone and did yet one more pass and now I'm happy with it.
EDIT: Oh, I forgot to mention that I added some ribs to the louvres with plastic card.
Cheers guys. As it always goes, one of the schemes I really like and that I had considered for this model was Gerhard Stamp's rather unique yellow 17 with the bomber wings crest and ship kills (partial pic below)
This scheme is depicted in an EagleCals decal sheet but every time I tried to order one, the shipped decal sheet would have cost more than i paid for the model. Lo and behold, I found the decal sheet at the local model show and picked it up so I'm now faced with a conundrum: stick with yellow 1 or switch to Yellow 17. I guess I'll stick with Dieterle's rig and will just have to get another G-6 (maybe Eduard's????) and do Stamp's too.....