1/48 Bristol F.2b / Davidson RFC – From WW1 to WW2 GB

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Who was it that warned me about Roden decals.....? No warning was ever more correct, hate their decals. Had to do some serious chopping to get them to work. Evidence below. ***Sh!t loads of touch up. Shoulda used aftermarket decals.


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You never know with decals, even some of the aftermarket stuff can hick up sometimes :( but its looking much better :D
The overall kit is brilliant. Fits are excellent, parts are well formed, very little mold flashing and great fine detail.
But them deckles stink. Even the ones for the tail are so brittle. I am lucky I got them on, in place and in one piece.
Thanks guys.
I did some of the decal touch up today. Not much else. I am ordering the tube, .5 and .6mm O.D., as per Vic's builds.
Also did some gear repair on the F3F. Been pretty lazy with Annie home for the school holidays. Trying to get as much her and me time in as we can.
I'm kind of hoping the decals on my Gladiator will be more cooperative Bill. I take it you had no luck with the tubing at the LHS, I've always found one has to go off shore for this sort of material. Hope it wont take too long to get to you.
So I have stuck the fuselage together..... but the picture shows what happens when you Forget to put all the parts between them Before gluing!!!!!! The supports just would not fit. Only solution, styrene square, trime the bottom of the seat and throw it in on top.

Never do I make anything easy.


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