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Did a bit of detail painting; added the red to the dial...

...the 2 "knobs" on the bulkhead represent the guides for wires, what I think control the height of the seat. I also added a lever to the seat.

The very prominent throttle quadrant is not included in the kit so I gave it a shot. I'm hoping to lower the 2 levers in the back once the glue sets up. This took about an hours worth of swearing.

Thanks guys.
Well, let's say you're lazy then. Looking good though.

Ya....I can live with that. Having said that, I have since found a 4th variation. These are on the actual period aircraft, maybe it's the way the belts are laid out. Anyhoo....engine is done and fuselage is together, a neat flawless fit.

I finally found two photos of my aircraft. I was going to install some metal canon barrels but it looks like this one had them removed.

I guess I'll use them on one of my other two George's.

I was a bit edgy about gluing the wings together as they were lacking locating pins...

...however, the seam fit was so tight I had to pry the halves apart so I tell where to place the glue.

Your George is being very well so far, my dear Geo.
Surely your model is the time of my old Pecua Razor, Monogram. The color and thickness of the plastic is very similar.
You are holding a beautiful plane, I will be very attentive to what follows.


Luis Carlos

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