1/48 Fairely Swordfish - Mediterranean Theater of Operations

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I have had Interviews and nothing more. Month and a half and it does not help the model building at all, Thanks for asking Vic.
OK so the job search has heated up and I have like three serious looks right now. I have done interviews for two and one is being set up. After several attempts at the bracing I believe I've bloody well got it mates. All you chaps gather round and I'll tell you a story of woe and win. As those that have followed this woe begone tell already know I tried the Tamiya PE set. I found that it was exceptionally good and making metal parts fly across the room to the bad mean old carpet monster, as as we all know she never gives up her dead. I tried guitar string. this showed promise, but alas after two broken wings as I tried in vain to tighten up the sagging bracing (stuff really works I tell you) I was not really happy. Then I came upon some .025 music wire I had. I found it to be to big, but i liked it. .020 Music wire though was just right (think Goldie Locks and baby bear here). Any way, feeling better working on an F-89J (Revell 1/48) a F-94C (Kitty Hawk 1/48) a P-47N (Revell 1/48) and a F7F-2/2N (AMT/Ertl 1/48) besides the swordfish. I know I should get started on the Fi 156 but motivation has been hard with the work issue.


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It looks pretty good to me Don.Vic I found in my build that it had more to do with the angle of the hole drilled and allowing some breathing room so as not to stress the wire.I think I used .006" wire with brass sleeves of an interior diameter of .010" but to each his own

I went back and looked at the Gauntlet and it sure looked good to me Sir
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Your adventure with rigging is what will keep me from bi-planes in the future!

I too hope that the job front improves for you. As an elderly English woman I know likes to say...."Keep your pecker up! "


Well, I know Don is up to his arse with family in town for the holidays, so I will let the good news out. Don was offered a job starting 12 Jan. I know he is relieved and will now enjoy his holidays.
Sorry to be the last to tell, been happy in my little world. Thursday the 18th was my birthday, I'm 56 now. For my birthday my oldest daughter came in from Pittsburgh with her bf. So just a couple hours beforehand I recived a call from my head hunter saying they wanted me back at HP and I accepted the job. So I had a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY and a blessed one indeed. I had all my children ANG both my daughters brought their boy friends (I just class them as son in laws) and the wife and a job. Happy is the man. I want to thank all of you for the kind wishes and good thoughts and prayers. A great bunch here, thank you all.

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