1/48 FW190A-5 Hans Philipp's "Miinke Pinke'

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Yep, they're not bad Wayne.
Found a pic of the compressor, in this case in use with a Badger 550, for wider area coverage.


  • Accesys 017.jpg
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Okay folks I finally got my Wurger painted to the point where I am satisfied with the result.
You will notice that I added the bomb/fuel tank rail to the bottom of the aircraft. This is not on the aircraft in the profile but I wanted to add
it to give the a/c a bit of a different look. Getting the smaller spray patches was quite a challenge using a Airbrush that was meant for general, broader spraying. The paint mix was critical here, too thin and the AB splattered high diluted paint, to thick and it went on in dark blobs. After some trial and error I was able to get the right mix and was able to spray small patches as well as light patches (light sprays by the aircraft painter) on the fuselage.

Hope you like her.

Next up is a gloss coat in preparation for Minke Pinke's decals.

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Thanks Gents,
I encountered a minor issue with the decals. I noticed that the Minke Pinke profile has the earlier upper wing crosses seen on a lot of A3's and 4's. These are the B1a type crosses which have the thinner white cross under the black cross with a black border on the white cross. However, the eduard kit only has the B2(thicker white with cross black border) an B6(white crosses, no black cross overlay on top) type decals. I have looked at a number of A5's photos ad they seem to have the later B2 and B6 type crosses. Seems unusual to have B1a's on an A5 but I guess some of them had them. At any rate I checked my other german a/c kits and I don't have these types of decals so I had to order some for the kit. Too bad I didn't notice this before.
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Looks great Dave. I agree with Andy, I've exchanged decals with many forum members and for future reference, I have 6 German and 5 Japanese aircraft that will become allied "captured" so will have plenty of spares if anyone needs something.

Looks great Dave. I agree with Andy, I've exchanged decals with many forum members and for future reference, I have 6 German and 5 Japanese aircraft that will become allied "captured" so will have plenty of spares if anyone needs something.


Great Geo,

When I ordered the german crosses I forgot the set doesn't have the HakenKreuze's. Now I am short these puppies too.
The Eduard set is total crap. Firstly the HakenKreuz decals I need have the white border no black outline around the white. I didnt notice until I cut them out that the white boarder around the black cross does not have a uniform thickness. In some parts the white border is thick in others its so thin as to be almost non-existant. It doesn't matter all that much though becuase when I dipped them in water they came apart or fell apart after putting them on the model.Worst I have seen yet.

So, now I need a good set of HakenKreuzes with the white border no black outline. Any offers would be much appreciated. Anyone please PM me if you can send me a set.

Dave, I'm off to camp in a few hours and back next Tuesday so if you don't get a bite by then, measure up the size you need(mm puleeze) and I'll see what I have. I have Hasegawa sheets with various sizes plus the aforementioned kit decals.


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