1/48 Me-410 B-6/R2 - OOB (Out of Box) unofficial GB-2015.

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Here's the two sprue sections (that I didn't show earlier) that illustrate the optional armament

This first section shows the cannon options, especially the BK5 (part number 43) seen in the upper right-hand portion:

This next section shows the Wfr. Gr. 21 tubes, seen upper center on either side of the main gear:

What would be really awesome, is if we had an instruction sheet PDF database...
A little slow to reply, Cory, sorry about that!

But yes, I have seen the info at Scale Mates but unfortunately, they just have the instructions for the 20mm equipped version, but nothing on the Bk5.

The Meng kit is slightly different, though informative.

I think what I may have to do, is research a little as to which units used the Bk5 equipped Me410 and go from there - I know the Me410 well enough, that I can assemble the kit as the A1/U4 without the instructions...my kit does have both the standard windscreen and the windscreen (and sight assembly) for the cannon armed versions...
Welcome back to modeling Dave! I have a 410 in my stash. Not sure what version it is but I'm sure it is not the night fighter. If the instructions show the cannon version I'll scan and post them.
resurecting this thread to see if anyone can assist with a Radar question. This plane as a B-6/R3 had a FuG 202 radar but there is also a B-6/R2 does anyone know what FuG system this was? TIA
As memo serves B-6 was going to be a naval Zerstrorer variant for escorting of U-boats and other ships. It was equipped with the FuG 200 with Zaunkonig radio for communication with U-boats.

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