1/48 Monogram Bf109G-10

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Senior Airman
Aug 21, 2019
This is my latest project. I will start it later this week but first I need to find decals for a Bf109G-10 with an Erla canopy, large wing bulges, and a short tail wheel. The kit's decals are questionable and nothing but the basic markings with no data or maintenance decals.
Messerschmitt Me-109G Monogram 5225 (1991).png
Vandee, I think I found decals for the lower aircraft you have pictured.
Couldn't find both on the same sheet.
Hope it's helpful.

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Thanks, a fellow modeler on another site just pointed me to the ones I am looking for, thanks for the offers anyways.
Thanks Rochie but I need the "whole 9 yards". The kit is void of anything useful, the decals my friend mentioned are from a decal company and have all markings, data, maintenance markings and then some and aren't overly expensive. I appreciate your offer but this way is much easier than cobbling a bunch here and there, if you see my reasoning.
Thanks Rochie but I need the "whole 9 yards". The kit is void of anything useful, the decals my friend mentioned are from a decal company and have all markings, data, maintenance markings and then some and aren't overly expensive. I appreciate your offer but this way is much easier than cobbling a bunch here and there, if you see my reasoning.
no worries, understand.

but offer still there if for whatever reason you may need it !
The kit still is not here, think the holiday held up the mail. So far it got from southern Cal. to Memphis, a mere 867 miles to go, maybe Monday. The decals left southern Cal. also, different seller, those should be here Wednesday, I hope.
I don't keep up with new kits Wayne, does Eduard do a Bf109G-10 with both 100 and 110 cowl? That was the most confusing Bf109 to figure out, cowls, tail wheels, tails, wheels and wing bumps what a mess that era was!

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