I am getting
really p*ssed off with this !
After applying all that gloss clear, the surface, though far from perfect, is 'good enough' to accept decals and, having left it to harden from Friday afternoon until around 20.30 hrs tonight, UK time, I started to apply the main decals.
Bl**dy awful results !
The kit decals are rather thick, and need a shed load of 'Micro Sol' just to get then to bend, let alone settle into or over surface detail.
I've called a halt for now, and will wait to see if the roundels settle, as shown below. If not, then they'll be removed, and I'll replace them with roundels from Xtradecal sheets.
I certainly won't be using the kit stencils, and will replace these with the ones from the Aviaeology sheets.
PICS 1 and 2. I was expecting problems with the fairly large warning panels on the radiator covers, and sure enough, they displayed a matt finish. Not surprising, given the size of the 'clear' area, but the same decals in the Tamiya kits go on without problems. Once removed, this is what the surface looked like, although a 'wash down' has improved things slightly. I think I'll try brush-painting neat Xtracolor PRU Blue gloss onto this area, and then use the Aviaeology decals.
PIC 3. The wing roundels are having problems settling, even after the World's supply of 'Micro Sol' has been brushed on, and these, and the fuselage roundels, have a matt 'halo' around the periphery. This might disappear when clear coated, but if they don't settle, they're getting binned and replaced with Xtradecal items.
PIC 4. For what it's worth, this is how the model looks to date.
I'll have another go at this tomorrow, but if things don't go according to plan, this model will be set asie for a while, as I'm wasting too much time when I should, by now, be moving on to the other 46 Squadron models.