1/48 MPM Heinkel He 177 A5 "Captured Bird", FINISHED :-) !!!

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A rather BIG update on the MPM He 177 A5 saga!
At last I got to the painting stage after what seamed like a never ending filling and sanding seasson.
I guess that's one of the things you get when building larger scale short run kits.

First I got the last detail on the internals of the turrets, some small scratch build items to add some detail that was missing from the kit and the Eduard set,

Thanks to the pics and diagrams you guys posted I was able to scratch build the center ETC 2000 rack and added some bomb shackles I found in my spares box.
I also installed the NG Models ETC 2000 wing racks. These are really great items and very wel made and a breeze to install.
Then I took a deep breath and added the Eduard straps on the engine intakes...but it ended well....pheew...

Then I got the Airbrush out. After some thinking, I opted for the Iwata brush. Not the easiest airbrush to use, but the one which give you the most control over things. I normally would go for my old trusty Aztek A 470, but not on the BIG He 177...
First some panel lining followed by some "spot painting" inside the panels. I took this technique from "JKim" here. It's time consuming, but I like the end result. Although at first it's hard to know what you are doing and it takes some time to get the hang of it. But once I started with adding my home brew RLM 65 "lichblau" I started comming together. I'm pretty pleased with the result as it's is very subtle scalewise

And as last thing, I started the top of the model. Same as the underside.

Next update will most likely have the top camo colours on, then I'll do the RLM 76 splotches on the underside followed by the D-Day markings and the Red fin.
I think I can make it in time if all goes well..
Thanks for the nice comments!

Yesterday I got some rather unecepted free time, so I got the RLM 71 on top. I used an different aproach, instead of giving the complete top a RLM 71 coat, I drew the splinter camo on top of the model with a lead pencil and only filled the RLM 71 designated parts using some paper masks freehand. I used 3 shades of pre-mixed RLM 71, using an old dried out jar of Model Master RLM 71 as "guide" to mix this myself with some Revell paint I had at hand as I had no other option.

(the EU decided to ban Model Master paint all toghether here as it is some kind of health hazzard risk... Though Revell and Humbrol, essentially the same paint, are still on sale as they come in smaler amounts then Model Master ... EU Burocra"z"y of a few "cc's" I guess..., they also did this to Tamiya's grey putty, Squadron's green putty, etc...) To bad as I really liked MM's RLM enamel paints.

I know most of you already switched to acrylic based paints, but I don't like them a bit. Tried a bunch of them and they left me very unimpressed, clogging up the airbrush, mixing badly, and so on... So I stick to enamel as long as the EU permits it...
I always work in a very well ventilated room, using a paint mask and gloves and use a little of thinner as possible. I'm really thankful the EU cares for my health...Though I guess they have no clue what agents I have to endure at work... End of rant....
Please carry on and do not mind...

I prommise pics the next update, 'till then
Sounds good, and I agree about enamel paints - I've used enamels for well over 50 years, without any detrimental effect to my health (cough, wheeze ...). Although many people swear by various acrylic paints, I'm not at all keen on them, unless stuck, and much prefer the versatility of enamels.
Some EU 'laws', although perhaps well meaning, can be a real pain at times !
Awesome! The big Grief is getting some paint! The mottling technique that I use was inspired by "black-basing" so I can't claim any credit for coming up with it.
It is indeed a great start with the painting stage, Jerry; the details in scratch I like, ... I want to see the result of the painting, it will be very interesting.
Best regards.
Quick update. A bit of a "ffw" I got busy with the airbrush and went on doing the the upper camo and the "anti shipping" camo on th esides and the bottom. kept as many of the reference pictures at hand to get this camo on. I'm pretty pleased how it turned out. The Iwata is really a great airbrush and once you get the amounth of thinning the paint under control, you can actually "draw" the paint on the model.

Next will be the D-Day stripes on the back of the fuselage and the upper- and lower wings. Then a few layers of Klir and then hopefuly start decaling... Two weeks to go until the event... I think I can make it...
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