1/48 OS2U Kingfisher, Aussie bird.

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I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without their motives being questioned.
Sorry, I just had to get that out there.
The canopy masks are removed and the final touch-ups can begin.

If you don't post more pics then you must be... well... logy and indifferent to your Internets Friends. :toothy5:
Due to the indifference and logyness of the camera, this is the only shot available. We promise to have several short, sharp, anglo-saxion words with said camera, and we are sure that the issue will be resolved to your satisfaction. The crew here at Meatloaf109 value your patrionage and wish you a pleasant day/ night/ stay.
Thank You, and be sure to tip your waitress.
Me too. Let's face it, the camera might just have been tired, or having a bad day, or maybe had a migraine and needed to lie down in a darkened room. You know, I really think I ought to get out more .... yes Nurse, I'll be there in a minute .....
I have managed to come down with a particularly nasty flu, so it may not have been the cameras fault after all. But being a team player, the camera has taken it in stride and promised to try harder. As soon as I can remain upright for more than 15 minutes, we will get together for a photo sesion.
Know the feeling guys! Got a cold, it cleared up, then got it again, which turned into 'flu and a chest infection. After two weeks, I seem to be over it now though, and can hopefully straighten up and fly right (there's a song in there somewhere!).

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