At last this thing is getting somewhere...I was able to test my new "moulds" for the nose and tail cones.
My excuses for the over-staturated pictures.
Unfortunatly, the "moulds" were a tad short and a tad wide,so they'll need some reworking. But it's a start.
I was able to get the turret in. In retrospect it would have been a lot easier to construct it as an insert to the top of the feselage.
But since the fuselage was already a bit thin, I didn't want to take the risk of ruining it, so it had to go th ehard way. Quiet a stressfull job to get rid of the fuselage seam this way...
Anyway, enough talk...Picture time...
First the "heat plunge moulds made for the nose an tail transparancies, yup... a LOT of trail and mostly Error...
Wings taped to the fuselage with engines installed (another grave job...)
And the reason why I will have to rework the nose and tail transparancies....Nose is 5mm short, tail 3mm.
And they are to wide as I can slide over the fuselage. Oh well, I now know it can be done
Unfortunatly I used up all my clear acetate stock, so I have to wait for my good friend Bart (a great modeller and suplier of many great modelling related stuff)
In the meanwhile I got a bit on the way with the old Esci Hs-129.
(Stay tuned for another tread on this one here)