1/48 Spitfire Mk.Vb - Mediterranean Theatre of Operations

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Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....
Username: Lucky 13
First name: Jan
Category: Longtime pat.....resident (Intermediate)
Scale: 1/48
Manufacturer: Tamiya
Model Type: Supermarine Spitfire Mk. Vb
Aftermarket Additions: Aftermarket decals.

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Well, I thought that if I'd try this GB out, I'll get my mind back on track, been rather preoccupied the last couple or so weeks....


It'll become (I hope), one of 'Buzz' Beurling, or 'Screwball' as he was also called. Canadian with Swedish heritage, his dad, if I remember correctly, was a Swede...

The decal sheet has five of his Spitfires down, or was it six.....I need to check, hang on...sorry, it's two from his time on Malta, EP706, T-L, which is a Vb, the other, BR301 and UF-S, is a Vc though, need to check what's different....

Here's to hoping!
I did this one years ago in it's beat up and much repaired state. I can only find this rather bad photo of the model but it is based on a well known photo of 417 Squadron on patrol over North Africa.
A lot of work had been done on the starboard wing in particular ( patched up roundel and replacement aileron in the mirror camouflage scheme).


An interesting subject, good luck with yours!


Jan, good to see back in a GB. I am also really looking forward to watching this build. I will be curious to hear your experiences with this Tamiya kit.
Unfortunately, visiting friends have stopped me from doing anything this weekend, hope to do something on Monday, as I'm off that night....

Cheers lads!
I'm finally starting to see the light at the of the Christmas madness tunnel, another two (h*llish, I suspect) shifts to go, then I'm off for two extra days/nights, so I should be able to kickstart something on Beurling's Spitfire and do some more on the '109.
So far, we've been putting out roughly 700 ton of booze each week and done 12 hour shifts, heavy such, haven't spent much time awake during the week.....here's to hoping, that we'll have a somewhat quieter January!

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