As I have to work a lot during the week I have little time to keep this build going full on all the time. However I've been able to do some work on a few odds and ends during what little free time remains during the week.
With this kit offering the possibility to lower the flaps I felt I needed to take care of a few ejector-pin marks on the inside of the flaps area. While not perse very visible, even with flaps lowered, I figured it wouldn't hurt to at least make them a little less visible should someone want to inspect the lower surfaces for some reason. So brought out the super glue and filled the ejector-pin marks to the best of my abilities.
After superglue had cured and dried it took some sanding to get it somewhat flush with the rest of the interior. This is no easy task as they sit in a hard to reach area as far as sadning is concerned. Probably would have been better if I had taken care of this before the wings parts were assembled all together, but I'll manage.
As I find it difficult to actually see how these things sit after sanding I applied a little bead of Mr.Surfacer 1000 to get some idea as to how it turned out. While not perfectly invisible, I think this will suffice for now (considering it will be next to invisible anyway with the flaps installed) Note the little dust-particle on the left of the pic has yet to be removed.
Another little job I took care of was the clearparts. After a previous attempt a dipping them in future had miserably failed I had them sit in the oven-clear (Mr.Muscle) to get rid of the messed up future coat. Thorough cleaning with water and afterwards some polishing with a jewelry polishing compound and toothpaste made sure the last remnants of the failed future coat were removed. Then ofcourse on to the next attempt at getting a decent future coat on the clearparts. Leading to the following results. Here the clearparts sit on the fuselage for the pic. The good fit of the clearparts is also somewhat visible. Note that the gap near the windscreen is not there if the canopy is properly aligned and glued in place.
One final little thing I did was assemble the rocket-projectiles that come with this kit. The filler + nailpolish remover trick was used to fill the joins between the tail section and forward section of the projectiles.
The good thing is, I have the rest of week off so I hope to be able to do some more work on this baby very soon. I have yet to touch up a few small spots on the filled/sanded areas near the lower cowling. But together with taking care of the ejector-pin marks in the flaps area this should wrap up all the filling and sanding work. Which means I should be able to fire up my airbrush fairly soon and get some colors going.