Having posted a few pic's yesterday of some (nearly) completed work and also gearing up for a new build from start to finish, it seemed like an interesting move to cover that build a bit more in detail.
Kit of choice is the Trumpeter MiG 3 (early) kit. In my humble opinion one the better efforts by Trumpeter. Both in terms of kit quality/details and also for the right price (recently I feel Trumpy kits tend to be a little over-priced for what you get)
Not exactly the most brilliant plane the Ruski's ever invented, but it sure looks sweet with it's smooth lines and the office way behind that long cowling
Let's kick off with an examination of the contents.
A nice and sturdy top-opening compact box (none of the huge boxes with little plastic in it they use these days) with seperately sealed sprues, clear-parts and decals.
A few overview pic's of the contents of the box.
A close-up pic showing the fine and restrained engraved details on the fuselage
A close up pic of the details on the wing near the wing-root. Seems like trumpy's 'mad rivet guy' had his way with the moulds as well, although not nearly as extreme as on some other Trumpy kit's I've seen (anyone seen their Sea Fury to name but one)
A close-up pic of the interior parts. While by no means comparable to a typical resin cockpit set it's not half bad for OOB kit parts. Plenty of potential to pick out the details with some dry-brushing, and perhaps add a little wire here and there to spice it up a little bit.
First steps of the build. Cutting the interior parts from the sprues, cleaning 'em up etc.
Hopefully I'll be able to work on this today after work. Dryfitting the interior parts, and then get the airbrush out to give the interior parts their first coats of paint. Perhaps also take care of a few sink-marks I've seen on the prop.
I'm toying around with some idea's regarding the color-scheme I wanna do, but I have to check if I have some decals in the spares box to somewhat match those colors, so you'll know when I've made up my mind about that.
Stay tuned for more updates to come soon
Kit of choice is the Trumpeter MiG 3 (early) kit. In my humble opinion one the better efforts by Trumpeter. Both in terms of kit quality/details and also for the right price (recently I feel Trumpy kits tend to be a little over-priced for what you get)
Not exactly the most brilliant plane the Ruski's ever invented, but it sure looks sweet with it's smooth lines and the office way behind that long cowling
Let's kick off with an examination of the contents.
A nice and sturdy top-opening compact box (none of the huge boxes with little plastic in it they use these days) with seperately sealed sprues, clear-parts and decals.
A few overview pic's of the contents of the box.
A close-up pic showing the fine and restrained engraved details on the fuselage
A close up pic of the details on the wing near the wing-root. Seems like trumpy's 'mad rivet guy' had his way with the moulds as well, although not nearly as extreme as on some other Trumpy kit's I've seen (anyone seen their Sea Fury to name but one)
A close-up pic of the interior parts. While by no means comparable to a typical resin cockpit set it's not half bad for OOB kit parts. Plenty of potential to pick out the details with some dry-brushing, and perhaps add a little wire here and there to spice it up a little bit.
First steps of the build. Cutting the interior parts from the sprues, cleaning 'em up etc.
Hopefully I'll be able to work on this today after work. Dryfitting the interior parts, and then get the airbrush out to give the interior parts their first coats of paint. Perhaps also take care of a few sink-marks I've seen on the prop.
I'm toying around with some idea's regarding the color-scheme I wanna do, but I have to check if I have some decals in the spares box to somewhat match those colors, so you'll know when I've made up my mind about that.
Stay tuned for more updates to come soon