1/48 Yokosuka K5Y, "Willow"

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Attempt #2 at a wing mounted generator. It shows up kind of white but there is the rear teardrop shape and the round front with the blade shaped mount. Attempt #1 is the silver thing.

I drilled out the ends of the exhaust, and threw on a bit of paint following a bit of info somebody (Vic?) posted a while back. I mixed my usual "burnt iron" but then added a drop or two of "rust". I like the effect!

All is looking good Paul I think the "The Willow" is one of the best looking biplanes the Japanese had.When I did mine I used "Reefer Orange" from Model Railroad's line of paints.
Thanks. I drilled them out with a #80 bit and sharpend out the edges with a scalpel blade.
I liked the muted effect that was achieved by mixing a bit of "rust" into my usual "burnt iron" mixture of aluminium and flat black. (About 1 to 3, with 1 more part rust.)
Research has shown me that these early K5Y1 aircraft had the Japanese insignia applied as just a red "sun". It does not show up as well as later insignia would against the orange, but there you go; Historical accuracy, she is a harsh mistress.

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