1/48th Hobby Boss FAA Martlet Mk I Build

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Staff Sergeant
May 8, 2011
Williamsport, Pa
Time to build! I love the Wildcat and I have always wanted to do a Martlet Mk I. When I found Euro Decals Martlet Mk's I,IV and VI sheet I figured this was the time. It will also help to pass the time now that I am back among the ranks of the single again. This should be interesting as an entire new cowling has to be made, the fuselage extended, wings rescribed, motor, prop and canopy replaced. This is by far the toughest project I have taken on so it will take some time. I love a good challenge! The lead actor in my drama... ... and the supporting cast. A little prep painting ( yes the wheel well will be aluminum but might as well prime it while the airbrush is loaded ). More to follow.
Did Terry just comment on a "Wildcat" without the use of profanity??????????

I don't understand the problem with the Wildcat. It may not have been the best plane, but it was what we had on hand. It, and the brave men who flew them, bested the cream of the japanese crop before the Corsair and Hellcat came along to claim all the glory. As to looks, form follows function and by that definition the Wildcat was beautiful. The A-10 is a pig but it does the job. Sorry if I get defensive, I just really love the Wildcat. If it makes anybody feel better, think of it as a Martlet. Anyway, I am working on the cockpit and gear bay right now. I hope to post some more pictures tommorow.
Bruce, it's kinda an inside joke which I'm sure you'll pick up on soon (hence his response). Being the family we are, it's our obligation to razz "brother" Terry whenever we have the chance.

As for the Wildcat, it was an awesome little fighter!
Well, in the spirit of the thing, don't think of it as a Martlet. Think of it as a Wildcat in FAA service. Thank you for setting me straight. Sorry to have stepped on any toes.
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Paint it maroon and put Para wings on it, and it might look OK !!!
Or of course, stick a brightly coloured umbrella on top and call it a golf trolley !!
So far how good is this kit I've looked at them And been kinda Wanting either the fm1 or 2 to make up in a Atlantic fleet scheme.
So far how good is this kit I've looked at them And been kinda Wanting either the fm1 or 2 to make up in a Atlantic fleet scheme.

Not a bad kit at all. I did the FM-2 in the Atlantic scheme a few months back and it turned out well. The gear on the Hobby Boss Wildcats are fiddly but OK. I'm still plugging away on the Martlet a little bit at a time but I am really busy at work ( 6 hours OT and it is only tuesday, not complaining though). If I get the chance I will post pics of the FM-2.

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