1/48th Messerspit!

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According to my notes Germans replaced the entire electrical system with a German 24-volt one and the on-board instruments. Also it is mentioned that Germans designed/made a new engine bed because the entire RR Merlin engine section/compartment up to the firewall was removed. However no info on how the engine bed looked like.
I based mine as shown on a couple of flat firewalls I found on the www. It seems to put the DB in the proper position fire and art. I think the DB is a little higher than the 109 feet position no room for the top guns. However the exhaust stack is just forward and above the top surface of the wings, as is the case in photos. I feel I'm on the right track.
Thanks for looking in on this one, we are having fun.

So now I have to position the motor, both vertically and horizontally. So, comes some calcs. Withe the profile
to scale, both the Mk.V and MSpit, in Corel I made a few rectangles to gather some dimensions, as shown in
my noting on a scrap of paper.

The overall length of the MSpit is a bit longer by a bit more then a foot. Now to translate that to the kit! Hmm.
I needed to know what the Mk.V firewall looked like so I could replicate the shape for the replacement of a firewall for the 109G Daimler Benz engine and motor mounts. But now I know how it looks at the front of the wing spar mounting section. So now I know I have to replicate the wing spar center section at the bottom of the firewall. Cool.
So with this from Simon Thomas I am good to go.
Beautiful so far Bill
And then This! I gotta Dremel drill press for a song on local marketplace. So I drilled a 2mm hole in one of my acrylic right angle pieces, stuch the propshaft innit and Bam. I calced it for the hole with the kit plane on pads. And I can't believe it's fitting as it should!!!!!! woohoo. Next a bit of a mod on the firewall, locate the DB engine supports and I'm all in...
This is the result!!!! Just have to do some detailing of the firewall.
A "boss" for the support Stix of the motor mount. Some piping
hanging off the motor etc. But I am happy as a clam!

Then some detailing of the Mk.V................
And I'm off bitchen about to many ejector pin marks and too much flash! My hats off to you guy; feeling kind of guilty. Off to drink away my guilt with a nice cold beer, not a Fosters though.

This will be one fantastic 'unique' build. Gonna be hard to top!

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