Nice work. Forget about adding detail to the radio room - this area will need to be packed with weight, to keep the nose down (and the front of the engine cowls might need some too)!!
On my 1/48th scale model, I opened the 'curtain' in the radio room bulkhead, and scratch-built the two desks and seats, one either side, which can only just be seen when looking in through the cockpit - and I mean, only just, with the edges of the desks only being vaguely visible. Above these, and under these, I packed lead held in place with 'Plasticine' - it's the only (along with the engines) place to add the weight without it being visible.The room was painted silver. as per the real aircraft in this area, and only a hint of the lighter area can be seen through the side windows in the larger scale - no detail can be seen at all.
BTW, those photos showing the props other than at the 'X' setting will have been taken before the aircraft was left parked up - setting the props was a very important SOP !