1/72 Bf 109E-7 - Aircraft in Foreign Service WWII

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I've been slogging through until I come to the badges, now I'm with them:

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I had a problem with them today too. However later these could be seen. It may be a problem with the Photobucket site where these pictures were saved.
I do not understand that it has happened but I've already solved the problem, when placing something has already ruled that the only thing I've done is go to attachments and select them as they were placed there, now I hope I see you too.
I have noticed problems with the forum script recently. It might have been the reason for that. However you could forget about clicking the button DONE after hitting the INSERT INLINE one. In the way, these were uploaded but the forum system "didn't know" about that these should be displayed. Glad you got it sorted out Sergio.
Looking good Sergio, and nice work on a difficult colour scheme, especially on such a small model. It would be easier all round if you up-loaded your photos direct to the forum.
the project was abandoned by what I send to the box after the disaster happened that my kitten all night playing with the plane while we were working me and my wife
thank you all if that's what you have when the male cat is still young and not sterilized when approaching or is in heat is very bad, but good knowing and take steps, opened an account to be putting savings sterilization of cat in 3 or 4 years (I will not be so bad with as it is), and close the door when I'm not in the room.

again and I will buy another plane this time airfix new mold that is fairly good at first sight
In Spain it has to pay for these things.
not there laws for animal esterizacion.

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