1/72 DFS Kranich - Jet/Recon/Transport GB

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Dzieki Wojtku, and thanks Wayne, Dave and Terry!

Margarine lid stuff went in fine, floor didn't want to glue - will sort that out later. Working on remaining frames and formers at the moment, pics up when done.

VERY nice surprise today too:
National holiday, beautiful day. Suddenly heard some very throaty engine roars, looked out the window and saw a DC-6, P-38 and F4U-4 fly over the flat in formation!!!!
I think they were the current Red Bull aircraft. They did some beautiful formation flights along the Danube, followed by a 15 min approx. aerobatics display by the Lightning and Corsair!!!
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That'll definitely be the Austrian-based Red Bull collection Evan. I've been trying to post a 'Powerpoint' presentation on Dietrich's complete collection, but can't get it to upload.
Hey, thanks guys!

Work took over in between, but progress so far.

To be cleaned up yet, then remaining formers and instrument panel frames to be made, followed by flight controls, etc. Thing is, most won't be seen in the end!!!

(Btw. macro is brutal )

Not for the drum, but me Vic- can't stand inaccurate details! Cheers mate

Cockpit cleaned up and front cockpit floor in. Details mentioned in post #150 up next.
(pics up when camera batteries charged)

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