1/72 FW 190 progress shots

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Feb 6, 2007
Melbourne, Victoria
Hey guys,

time has been very scarce lately (12hour shift last night) but just thought I'd whack up a few shots of my ex-group build FW 190. Not completely decalled still needs all the fiddly small ones and victory markings on the rudder but the idea is there.



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Good goings Heinz. 12 hour shifts, insane man. Sleep must be like a blessing to you after that! :)
Hey Alex! nice to have you back mate! The 190 looks the business, and I reckon Jan will approve!
G'day Alex. Nice to hear you again.Waiting for more pics of the progress.:D
Hey guys :)

Thanks for comments its all appreciated :)

I was going to try and knock off this 190 over the weekend however some scum bag of an addict decided to smash my back window in my car and break in to gain a few CDs and some fuel plus just make a bloody mess. So I'll be fixing up my ride now :S. At the cop shop at 4am to let em know. Worst of all it was raining so my back seat is soaked through. Could be worse I have the car still which for my area is suprising. Still has me majorly pissed.

Still might get something done or Bar's crate and I'll let you know when I do!

Take care guys.
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Heres a few more. Basically got almost all the decals done. As universally agreed Academy decals suck quite badly tho I got the victory markings on fairly easily (phew). I left a few of the smaller ones off as they were practically hidden with the darker colour scheme. Also attached the prop as you will note, the cowling ring area will also be toned down a bit as its a little bright. Mainly because its had no gloss coat and needs the darker grey applied on the tip to match the rest of the camo.



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Yep, I'm with Cory. Sorry to hear about your car mate. Really annoys me when scumbags do that just for a few dollars for a quick fix. Hope they get theirs!
Model is looking great mate.

I am much too old and cynical to believe in Kharma...but I do hope the SHoneT who did your car gets what he deserves....


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