1/72 Italeri Hs 126 B1; MTO Group Build

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Well the injection worked like a charm. I woke up this morning with a raging case of the flu.

Well I hope it was a short spell Dwight?I do not think I have ever taken a flu shot myself.Cheers Kevin
Well I hope it was a short spell Dwight?I do not think I have ever taken a flu shot myself.Cheers Kevin

I have got this once.As a result I was much more ill than catching a standard flu. Get well soon Dwight.

Thanks Kevin and Wojtek. Much appreciated :D I'm still dragging tail. Wojtek is right - this is worse than just a case of the standard flu.
:lol: That's way I always say 'There are homless cats on the streets give them it" when they trying to convince me to get the shot.Never more.
Hope you feel better soon Dwight, must be a real downer. A mate of mine told me yesterday he thought he'd contracted Swine 'flu, when I asked him how lonh he'd felt ill, he said " About a weeeeeek....."
I'll leave now, shall I?
Hope you feel better soon Dwight, must be a real downer. A mate of mine told me yesterday he thought he'd contracted Swine 'flu, when I asked him how lonh he'd felt ill, he said " About a weeeeeek....."
I'll leave now, shall I?

OUCH! Your friend should spring for a pint at the VERY least for that one ...... :lol:

Thanks Terry and Harrison.
Thanks Wayne and Micdrow. :D

Was feeling a lot better today so I actually hit the workbench. Finished adding the PE belts to the pilot seat. Put in the clear lenses for the lights on the bottom of the parasol wing. Finished painting the wheels, tires and wheel struts along with the upper RLM 79 portion of the fuselage, the engine cowling and the masked off canopy. The white Theatre band goes on tomorrow after the RLM 79 coat dries overnight. Then the real fun begins: THE MOTTLING!

I'll post a pic after the theatre band is on.
Thanks Wayne and Micdrow. :D

Was feeling a lot better today so I actually hit the workbench. Finished adding the PE belts to the pilot seat. Put in the clear lenses for the lights on the bottom of the parasol wing. Finished painting the wheels, tires and wheel struts along with the upper RLM 79 portion of the fuselage, the engine cowling and the masked off canopy. The white Theatre band goes on tomorrow after the RLM 79 coat dries overnight. Then the real fun begins: THE MOTTLING!

I'll post a pic after the theatre band is on.

Good news Dwight, yeah Im hoping my luck is starting to change also. I get a free weekend starting tommorrow afternoon. Cant wait!!! :D
Thanks Heinz and VB. :D

I think I'm over the worst of it. Still a bit sore and stuffed up, but definitely don't feel nearly as bad as I did before.


Okay, the instructions for the kit are a bit vague on the width of the White MTO Theater band. Anyone have any details on how wide that band should be on the Hs 126?
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take a stab and say about 450mm on the real aircraft.....so scale it down! will check my camo markings book for a more accurate answer though!
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take a stab and say about 450mm on the real aircraft.....so scale it down! will check my camo markings book for a more accurate answer though!

Thanks Wayne. That's just a hair under a 1/4 inch at 1/72 scale. :D

Let me know if you find anything. :D

BTW, which camo/markings book are you going to check?
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Thanks Wayne. That's just a hair under a 1/4 inch at 1/72 scale. :D

Which camo/markings book are you going to check?

Ken Merrick's 2 Part volumes....he states there was no official directive but 450 is about the norm as a 'standard' width, with some variation up or down! There were certainly Bf109's and Bf110's that had broader bands...but also narrower one's too!
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Ken Merrick's 2 Part volumes....he states there was no official directive but 450 is about the norm as a 'standard' width, with some variation up or down! There were certainly Bf109's and Bf110's that had broader bands...but also narrower one's too!

I settled on a 600 mm band that will get trimmed down slightly during masking. I ended up with that distance using the following approach.

I used the camo plan in the instructions that came with the kit and measured both the width of the white theatre band and the distance from the back of the cockpit to the base of the tail. I then measured the distance from the cockpit to tail on the actual kit and calculated a scale factor (it was about a 1 to 1.5 ratio). Using the scale factor, I then calculated the width of the theatre band as it would appear on the kit.

To check to see if I was at least in the ballpark that Merrick suggested, I then scaled from 1/72 to actual size and ended up almost exactly at 600 mm. As a final check I used the images of the actual plane to scale the relative size of the plane id numbers to the white band and that gave me approx. 600 mm as well.

Thanks for taking the time to look thru Merrick's book for me. The info you gave me got me started in the right direction. Thanks again Wayne.

The latest status is that the fuselage (including the white theater band) is entirely painted except for the camo mottling. But I've run into an issue. I've always thought the RLM 79 that I used seemed too dark - almost more brown than sand colored. Well I needed to order a second bottle of Polly scale RLM 79 Sand Yellow and when it arrived today, just for grins I compared the two bottles (the old one and the new one). Well they ain't the same color! Not even CLOSE!

I showed them to my wife, who has an eye for this sort, and she agreed. The two supposedly identical RLM 79's are NOT in fact identical. I don't know WHAT the deal is but the NEW bottle is definitely a more sandy yellow than the old bottle.

So the plan is to now go back and give the fueslage, and the upper wing, and the rear stabilizer, and the bl**dy dam wheel struts a light overspray of the new RLM sand yellow. THEN I can start the mottling.

I'll take a snap shot of the two colors and post it later.
Cockpit is finished and canopy attached. The whole thing was resprayed with the NEW RLM 79 and it looks WAY better. :)

And here is the comparison between the two paints - labeled exactly the same, from the same manufacturer. The one in back is what I used the first time, the one in front is what I resprayed. It's like night and day!


Once the paint dries I'll post a new image of the plane. :)

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