I got Terry's email and figured it was about time I reestablish a connection with my modeling friends.
Life here in my part of New Jersey is returning to normal. Power is back on and it seems like this time its for good. We were lucky because the worst we suffered was no power for 4 days straight with subsequent outages as things came back to life. One of the worst things was the Nor'easter that followed Sandy. The storm itself was not as bad as we expected but we lost power again that night and it was cold. We woke to 4 inches of snow that morning. The wife and kids were troopers through it all. The worst thing we suffered was the loss of food in a refrigerator and a second freezer in the basement. My neighbor is a cop in one of the local shore towns and he was telling me that FEMA has already condemned close to 400 homes in that town alone.
There is still some areas without power and I still can't get to work via the normal rout due to the down trees but normalcy is returning. Last night I had to take my son to his first soccer practice since the storm. I've actually had some time and lots of desire to hit the bench again but by the time I finish with the chores and other things I'm just to exhausted to do anything.
I do have some photos I took of the Phantom to post before Sandy that I will post soon. I still can't find the missing parts I talked about earlier and will need to harvest them from one of my other Phantom kits. I've been really enjoying this build but its been an uphill battle for one reason or another.
I know its been a while and I've been promising some updates. Well here's the short of it all. All painted and decaled. Still have to harvest some of the recently lost parts from the Sundowners F4 in the stash
The arrow shows you one of the missing hatch covers.
Over all I'm happy with the results. Thanks for looking
Nicely done Dirk. That upper bypass door could easily be made from a piece of thin plastic card (or even paper card), bent slightly and glued at the top. The doors were often partly open on the ground/deck.
Though at first the arrow was a decal and like the look of what's done. Terry has come up with a couple of good solutions for you, hope you can make one work.