1/72 PZL P.24G - Aircraft in Foreign Service WWII

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Senior Airman
May 11, 2013
User Name: Pattle
First Name: Kev
Category: Intermediate
Scale: 1/72
Manufacturer: Azur
Extras Used: None

Here I am with Azur's PZL P.24. The kit looks good, not the greatest mind, but pretty good. The kit comes with photo etched and resin parts, the model will be Delta 102, Argos airfield, April 1941, I'm not sure what Mira D102 belonged to but will look it up. I have had this kit in my stash for a while with some other Greek stuff from 1941 and have been pondering over the correct paint colours etc, so looking forward to cracking on with them now I'm finally ready.

greek models 004.JPG

greek models 005.JPG
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Great subject Kev, and I didn't know the type was used by the Greek (Hellenic?) Air Force. Looks like the kit comes in a posh package too!!!!
The PZL P-24 have never been used by the PAF. All planes were an export manufacturing. I'm looking forward to the build. :thumbright:
Interesting little machine Kev and all those titchy resin parts, oh my you'll have fun.
I'm not sure what happened to this build and this thread, but for whomever may be interested, here are a couple of pictures of that particular aircraft, all shot up on the ground by the Bf 110s that straffed Argos airfield in late April 1941.


  • PZL P-24 Argos 1.jpg
    PZL P-24 Argos 1.jpg
    205.4 KB · Views: 96
  • PZL P-24 Argos 2.jpg
    PZL P-24 Argos 2.jpg
    40.9 KB · Views: 113

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